Sigh.... life is tough

Standard forum

Posted on March 16, 2015, 4:59 p.m. by Asher18

I need a new deck. My old one, Aggrivated Abzan frankly stinks to high heaven. I have two options that i'm interested in:

1) Temur featuring sarkhan. Both forms fit, atarka's amazing, but control, ramp? Great!

2) Constellation. Cheap, tokens, a nice big threat in meta? Awesome!

Honstly, I'm not that in to mardu, it just doesn't do anything for me (punzzzz....) What do you guys think should be my next standard brew?

Derpachus says... #2

I played Abzan once, it sucked. After I played Abzan, I went to Giant scissors of DOOM. It was the best deck I have ever played with. I would love to see a standard Affinity deck!

P.S.: As a Mardu player, play Mardu.

March 16, 2015 5:03 p.m.

abenz419 says... #3

Play temur walkers.... seems interesting enough.

March 16, 2015 5:13 p.m.

It depends. The most prevalent decks in the meta right now seems to be aggro and control. I know that you're going to wonder "Well, what about midrange??" I'm not saying that midrange is not good, I'm just saying that you will likely get better results with control and aggro.

So if you want aggro, a bunch of options are down that path. There is RDW, there is the returning blue unblockable devotion, Rakdos seems like it would be fun with all the new dash cards, Abzan is always an option, GW aggro seems to be making a return as well, maybe green devotion...

For control you have Esper which seems to be at the top of its game, Jeskai is also very fun, you could try a less conventional Sultai control, just plain old Dimir is also nice...

Midrange offers the new dragons, very tempting. Off the top of my mind, I can think of Gruul, Temur, Naya, Jund, and Rakdos which all support the new fun. But Abzan midrange is still there, constellation you mentioned...

The point of this is that there are a lot of options in the current meta, as it features the last time that we will have 6 blocks (+ core set) in standard. Have fun with it!

Here is what I would pick for each of the categories. If you want aggro, I would recommend blue devotion. If you like control, I would play Sultai, but that's also because I'm a bit queer. Temur dragons equally seems very very fun, especially the new Sarkhan.

Good luck!

March 16, 2015 5:31 p.m.

actiontech says... #5

I second that red/blue artifact deck, it's not too expensive and pretty fun. I'm going to build an esper control deck once dragons hits though. Just so many good answers to everything out there I think it's going to dominate until theros rotates out.

March 16, 2015 5:54 p.m.

actiontech Unfortunately true. Esper control is just too good right now.

March 16, 2015 8:06 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #7

If you wish to play Temur with new Sarkhan I recommend Flash and burn. The deck was strong when Khans of Tarkir was aggro but when it turned midrange it kind of fell apart. It is great vs Aggro and Control decks but topples easy to midrange and, amusingly, Temur aggro.

What you play:

You are close to a red/blue counter burn deck splash green. Counter spells, burn spells and dig through time are your game. Your only board wipe however is Perilous Vault, but it's worth for the mind-games. Your green is where your walkers and bombs sit. Surrak, Kiora and Sarkhan (also 1/2 Pearls).Explosive Vegitation and Atarka's Command will help you hit your wincons. Damn I need to revisit this deck again. You burn everything small vs aggro, or burn the opponents face vs control. You counter major threats in aggro midrange (like Rabblemaster, siege rhino) or threat removal such as Hero's Downfall in control.

March 17, 2015 6:31 a.m.

Kroto says... #8

Yeah esper seems like a good choice to me. Both reliable removal and the color hate removal is pretty nice. Also with black you have 3 handreveal + discard spells in standart. Doesn't get much better than this for control.

What you might wanna play is Izzet with black splashed and enjoy the burn you inflict on your opponent.

March 17, 2015 9:25 a.m.

Asher18 says... #9

Tame the Team Playtest

Standard* Asher18



I made the deck and it turned out...interestingly. I need help please!

March 17, 2015 11:57 a.m.

So, I used to use Esper for a long while. It has its flaws and strengths like any deck. But I refuse to use it again until it can deal with the more consistent two color control decks (U/W and U/B control) or the U/W heroic deck (I hate that friggin deck). Every time I used my Esper deck, I destroyed midrange and aggro! I mean, destruction was indeed, written on their foreheads at the end of the game. Against control, I was lucky to get at least a win out of it. I went 1-2 to U/B control, 1-2 to U/W control, and 1-2 against Abzan Control. Their mana bases are much simpler and easier to maintain than Esper's. I have yet to play my Esper vs Sultai. Until they bring out some lands that can solidify the mana base for Esper, I wouldn't run it again unless you see a huge dive in the control decks in the format. I suspect that U/B control will not be as strong as it was pre-DTK. And I suspect U/W control to be even stronger with this new set.

March 17, 2015 2:46 p.m.

There's jalira temur

April 2, 2015 9:30 p.m.

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