Skylasher in GW Aggro
Standard forum
Posted on April 4, 2014, 1:54 p.m. by Goody
So I've seen Skylasher in some recent Selesnya aggro lists, can anyone tell me why it's seeing play? I've been out of Standard for a bit so I'm not familiar with the metagame, does it do something against MUD? Is it because of Master of Waves ?
GW has a really bad match against MUD - can't defend against the air/unblockable well, can't disrupt their devotion much, doesn't attack through Frostburn Weird well, Tidebinder Mage , etc. It's not completely unwinnable, but you basically need them to have an average draw and your draw needs to be basically mono-Advent of the Wurm .
So some pre-sideboarding helps to even up your odds, and as an added bonus you get to free up some sideboard space for other match-ups.
April 4, 2014 3:17 p.m.
A 2/2 flash reach for 2 is decent on its own. The blue hate is just a bonus, and as said above, saves sideboard space.
Bromjunaar says... #2
It's more likely for the U/W/x Control match up as an uncounterable threat that can be cast post Supreme Verdict . It can also stop a Nightveil Specter in it's tracks.
April 4, 2014 2:06 p.m.