So guys
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 15, 2013, 4:32 p.m. by Petro_std
The PTQ in my state is less than a month away, What deck list actually seems like it will beat the Devotion deck, I seen R/W/U control deck get second today at the Open. ( please dont post deck lists to just get views on them )
I played a home brew deck of mine at the latest Ohio Elite IQ, i destroyed all the mono colored decks, I had mono blue built but it seems like no fun to be honest man.
December 15, 2013 4:52 p.m.
I would be still playing it but i had to sell the jaces, multavaults and night veil for finical reasons, i may just build W/U control try to see if i top
Putrefy says... #2
Why try to beat them and not join them? I think there have been quite enough tournaments lately to show, that Standard is super well balanced at the moment. Everything can beat everything, the odds aren't that off most of the time. Maybe U/W/R-Control ist really good right now. It's definitely ahead in the control-mirrors due to uncounterable Counterflux and Wear / Tear being able to deal with opposing Detention Sphere s and Pithing Needle .
If I were you I'd play Mono-Black-Devotion with either green splash for Abrupt Decay , Golgari Charm , Vraska the Unseen and SB Gaze of Granite or Mono-Black-Devotion with White-splash to run BBV instead of Gary and gaining access to Sin Collector and Glare of Heresy to boost the match-up against U/W/x control even further, since you're then able to deal with their D-Spheres. Black is still the strongest deck around and either White-Splash to boost the mirror and match-up against U/W/x control or Green-Splash to boost the match-up against the aggressive lists.
Also R/W-devotion and Fish are still very alive and if you get lucky enough to hit your curve perfectly every game these 2 decks are really hard to beat. Maybe it's best to go rogue and play something off the radar, like Reid's Zegena-Bant list or Chapin's BUG-control list, or Kibler's Golgari/Aggro respectively Golgari/Midrangeish-controlish-Rock-type.
I feel like it's safe to say: play whatever you feel most comfortable with. Right now we have no uber-deck that is on paper ahead of every other deck. But if you want pure statistical strength I'd say: Mono-Black-Devotion.
December 15, 2013 4:47 p.m.