Sorin, Pensive Stranger
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 1, 2014, 11:11 p.m. by Rhinowarrior
Do you guys think Sorin, Solemn Visitor will have an impact in standard and if so in what decks? I know that i will be playing him in my black/white midrange deck. Thoughts? Also, do you guys also think his name is kinda dumb?
Rhinowarrior says... #3
His first ability is just nuts with a lot of creatures! I especially love that he fits quite well with mardu strategies, buffing creatures and giving them lifelink and also abzan as he can make your defenses even bigger and more formidable. Abzan control with afew creatures for stability and finishing and sorin and elspeth could make for a very formidable deck.
September 1, 2014 11:21 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #4
can't they make a mono black Sorin god! I mean Sarrkan was jund and he was printed mono red. I was bummed at orzhov Sorin, Lord of Innistrad but played him for the love and I feel the last one was less useful than Sorin Markov and yet better than this one. Compare the emblems and Ult.
September 1, 2014 11:32 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #5
P.S I did not mean God as in Gods in Theros I meant like Napoleon would say GOD!
September 1, 2014 11:34 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #6
The only upside is loyalty is 1 more but his -2 balances that and the old one makes a dude for+1 that helps for evasion and get there while Solemn requires you to have a boardstate to be good and is otherwise unthreatening. I would say he will see play in standard about as much as Ral and level out value wise at 9.00usd. Bad impulse buy or pre-order.
September 1, 2014 11:43 p.m.
Rhinowarrior says... #8
Sorin +1's
-Sorin Markov : +2 Essentially a removal spell and gaining two life. or a pilllar of flame. 7/10
-Sorin, Lord of Innistrad : Get a 1/1 with lifelink. Decent. Can chump block and protect quite well. 6/10.
-Sorin, Solemn Visitor - gives all creatures you control +1/+1 and lifelink until end of turn. Excellent. Works well with big and small creatures alike and can swing games quickly. 9/10
September 1, 2014 11:55 p.m.
julianjmoss says... #9
Something that's overlooked is that his first ability lasts until your next turn so your creatures are impact full on your opponents turn
September 2, 2014 12:08 a.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #10
@Rhinowarrior First thing pillar of flame exiles and dosnt gain you life so no comparison to Sorin Markov's +2 . Second thing is Sorin Solumn Visiter dose not give a +1 to toughness as you stated and third his +1 loyalty is only good if you have creatures and they are better or disposable vs your opponents. Either way he only modifys your creatures if you have board presence or drops to 2 loyalty a makes a 2/2 flyer no lifelink. If I am beating you and you play him I won't care and you wont feel like you can pay 4 mana for him either. Not a strong card really I would label him uncommon on a card scale of common to mythic level power.
September 2, 2014 4:08 a.m.
As prominent as Abzan (Junk) already is, I'll bet Sorin is going to be bonkers with Elspeth.
September 2, 2014 9:32 p.m.
The fact that his +1 lasts until your next turn, rather than until end of turn makes in very powerful. - I will be considering him as an option in my Modern B/W tokens deck... Combine with Intangible Virtue , and you have tokens that can attack with an additional +1/+0, gain you life, and still block if needed... while gaining you more life.
@cr14mson: lol ...I had to leave the room... what did Hitler have to say...? :)
slovakattack says... #2
The new Sorin is easily my favorite, and arguably the best Sorin there is at the moment. I'm -super- hyped for him. I don't know how he'll impact standard, but I hope he sees play in Modern.
September 1, 2014 11:18 p.m.