Standard Bannings
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 20, 2019, 3:15 p.m. by Fellin22
Who think's what is getting banned. I think FOTD will get it, with nissa following soon after cuz there not gonna ban oko so soon.
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October 20, 2019 3:27 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #4
Overall, I have seen Field of the Dead the most popular ban, and just that.
Past that:
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Hurts the Bant Lands deck more, idc about it if Field gets banned
Oko, Thief of Crowns - Fear of Bant Food/Ramp Taking over without lands to keep it in check.
Nissa, Who Shakes the World - Same as Oko.
Teferi, Time Raveler - Apparantly unfun to play against, homogenizes many UW builds to be forced to run it due to its efficiency and utility.
October 20, 2019 4:39 p.m.
*obvious zombie token wearing a Hero of Precinct One costume walks in.
they will ban these cards-
Ashiok, Dream Render makes Evolving Wilds unplayable in standard.
Unmoored Ego most decks have a playset of cards that are important to their strategy and are just fragile without it.
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell just makes mono red way to fast for any sort of slower deck to survive.
October 21, 2019 2:58 a.m.
The best bans will be Oko and Field of the Dead. Both cards are very hard to interact with without sacrificing something else. But I feel a pauper ban incoming too - Arcum's Astrolabe has to go. In modern, it is still too early to tell.
October 21, 2019 9:38 a.m.
Well, I gotta say almost got it right - astrolabe and field got the hammer, while Oko and its ilk (elk?) are probably on the watchlist now.
subrosian says... #2
Hydroid Krasis is my pick. Pushes everything towards ramp/midrange, it's like the ultimate stabilizing/comeback card. I think both Nissa and Oko get a bit weaker without Krasis to support the decks.
I can also see Field of the Dead getting a ban just because there's no interaction for it.
October 20, 2019 3:23 p.m.