Standard Budget Control

Standard forum

Posted on May 28, 2015, 12:16 p.m. by ducttapedeckbox

My LGS is starting to have both Standard and Modern FNM's, alternating weekly. I have UTron for the Modern weeks, but lack a list to play for the Standard weeks. Are there any decent control lists that I could build cheaply (not looking to buy into Esper Dragons that will plummet come rotation)?

I've been looking into U/R Mindswipe counterburn which would run about $90, but $30 of that is for a single Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, $20 is for a set of Dig Through Times, and $10 is for a single Keranos, God of Storms. All of these will hold some eternal value and I need Ugin for UTron and Keranos for Blue Moon (if I can ever afford it).

Other suggestions?

lemmingllama says... #2

Mono-Red is super cheap as well, you can build a strong list for $50 and add fetches for consistency as needed. Most of the cards in it are commons and uncommons or bulk rares.

May 28, 2015 12:52 p.m.

I cannot play mono-red lemmingllama. I can't do it. I know it's good on a budget, but I just can't. Thanks for the suggestion though :)

May 28, 2015 1 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #4

Yeah, the deck certainly isn't for everyone. In that case, try out counterburn. Or just wait until Magic Origins comes out and try to pick up an archetype while it's cheap

May 28, 2015 1:49 p.m.

EssTea says... #5

I don't think counterburn is a viable standard deck, the removal ain't optimal (4 mana for Stoke the Flames, sorcery speed Roast), there ain't any unconditional wrath and finally Keranos in a world of Dromoka's Command is some risky business. Also Mindswipe is a fringe card IMO.

I mean, you want to have Ugin and the Digs for eternal formats? Esper, U/B and U/W all run them! So... out of the three we can already eliminate Esper Dragons off the bat, too much $$$. U/B control however can be built kinda budget depending on how much sacrifices you're willing to make. You could run big old Prognostic Sphinx as a win con instead of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Silumgar, the Drifting Death, or even jump back to the double Pearl Lake Ancient + Perilous Vault deck. Planeswalkers are not as present as before so you could get away with 2 Hero's Downfall and replace the missing removal with Silence the Believers and Murderous Cut. Seriously, a double PLA deck wouldn't even be budget/fringe with all the Den Protector/Deathmist Raptor/Haven of the Spirit Dragon shenanigans lying around. Exile em all!

U/W control would be even more budget with cheaper removal spells. You can also buy the duel deck version of Elspeth for 6$ each I think. I do however, think there's still something missing for U/W to be a good control deck right now.

Budget tips resume :

Instead of temples run trilands (also good for rotation)
Instead of Hero's Downfall run 1-2 Silence the Believers and 1-2 Murderous Cut
Instead of the dragons and Ashiok run Prognostic Sphinx and Pearl Lake Ancient.
Instead of Dissolve run Dissipate (the exile effect is almost starting to outweigh the scry anyways.)
You can cut a Dig Through Time for a Jace's Ingenuity.
Instead of Thoughtseize run Despise mainboard and some Duress sideboard for the control mirror.

HOWEVER, I deeply think fetchlands are necessary...

Hope that helps!

May 28, 2015 1:51 p.m.

Thanks EssTea! I'm not looking for an overly competitive deck, but just something fun and cheap I can bring and maybe win a few games. My LGS hasn't held FNM before, so I'm not sure what to expect for the meta.

I like UR because I don't have to run any replacements; I'd much rather a generally-meh deck over a watered down version of a popular one.

I did experience that Command problem with Keranos though, I forgot what exists in Standard hah. But that's nothing countermagic can't handle.

I have full sets of Deltas and Strands, as well as 3 Seizes'. I want a deck that requires little to no investment into Standard cards that will drop come rotation. Ugin is on that list, but at least I have a Modern use for him. Ojutai and Silumgar, meh.

May 28, 2015 3:02 p.m.

EssTea says... #7

Well lightning strike, stoke the flames and keranos all rotate out... No deck is safe from rotation, a deck can fall into pieces and a deck can climb its way to the top, but that's speculation. I wouldn't say it's not worth building a standard deck right now, I'd just say it's not worth building many of them.

A watered down version of U/B is still stronger than U/R, Dromoka's Command not only kills keranos, it also blanks any burn spell.

''I don't play to win - I play to have fun, but I ain't having any fun if I'm not winning.''

May 28, 2015 3:12 p.m.

@ EssTea - The list I'm looking at doesn't run any Stokes. I don't care that the Strike rotates. It's what, ten cents? I'll also need Keranos for a Blue Moon list if I ever build it.

Do you have a sample U/B Budget list I could take a look at?

May 28, 2015 3:14 p.m.

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