Standard Card Pool Thoughts
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 13, 2014, 12:10 p.m. by capriom85
So, just a few things I want to hear feedback about from the TO community:
Stormbreath Dragon - clearly a good card. How often do you activate its Monstrosity? Is it ever relevant to your game? Hitting for 7 is much better than hitting for 4, right? He is also a great Midrange answer to Butcher of the Horde and Siege Rhino once they stick.
Chord of Calling - I hardly see it used. At my LGS I am the only one that EVER ran it in Standard since the reprint. Do you use it? Where do you think it belongs? I ran it in Midrange decks with a Green shell, but I am thinking that it may actually prove more useful in a Control shell to grab a finisher when you are ready for it if you are not using a PW as a finisher. We don't have Sphinx's Revelation anymore to draw 10 cards at the end of a turn, so why not use a spell that draws us the one we want and plays it for us, right?
RUG decks in general...what archetype is the strongest? Aggro, Midrange, Control? It has elements of all of it, but doesn't seem to have enough to commit to any of them enough :-(
Goblin Rabblemaster - how come every time I see this guy I never seem to have an answer for him? He is a 2/2 unless attacking for God's sake! I hate him...l'm not looking for feedback here as much as I just want to express how much I hate him.
Dalektable says... #3
1) Yes, big stormy is awesome. Discussion complete.
2) Chord of Calling Is a fantastic magic card, and could work well in a green devotion list. As for control, it feels like just taking up an extra slot for your win con. Control shouldn't have a problem playing the long game before they hit said win con, as opposed to taking up space in the 75 to find it faster.
3) Temur Midrange seems solid. Bear-puncher-extraordinaire and Knuckle make for a nice package, alongside our old friends courser and caryatid.
4) I play him. I love him. If you don't play him, you hate him.
October 13, 2014 1:20 p.m.
I can guarantee if played Goblin Rabblemaster my luck would have him hit the board everytime my opponent had Lightning Strike or Bile Blight in hand with 2 open mana. so I wont play him just so I don't ruin it for everyone who does.
October 13, 2014 2:10 p.m.
1) He's pretty good, with the protection from white he is immune to a lot of removal in the format, and the monstrosity can hurt at a certain degree, such as even if they have just 3 cards in hand, that's also you swinging for 7, so that's 10 damage from your Stormbreath.
2) Chord of Calling is great and all, but in my Green deck, I don't have the area to run him, as I am playing RUG monsters, taking me to your third question.
3) RUG is very viable, I'm running a Monster/Midrangeish type of deck around RUG, and I've actually shown good results at FNM, losing only 2 rounds overall, one from a mirror match that I don't have the sideboard to yet, and one to a Goblin Rabblemaster deck, which I have responses too now, and I'll list them.
4) In my deck, there are tons of options for removal, the ones I have main board are Lightning Strike and Temur Charm and they seem to suit me well against Rabblemaster, but I am going to sideboard 2 Anger of the Gods so I can burn away him and his stupid little goblins. I could go into other colors, but I'm just stating what I have.
October 13, 2014 2:12 p.m.
Portoman, I lost to a rabblemaster deck also...twice at FNM. That was it. He is a jerk
Nigeltastic says... #2
1) Yes, he's still good. I presume you monsterous him when you don't have another fatty to play or when they have 7 cards because that hurts.
2) I think there are a couple G/x devotion lists that might use it, but Genesis Hydra is often times just better.
3) Temur midrange on the back of Big Knucks (Savage Knuckleblade ) seems good. I don't think the colors are good for aggro or control. Temur monsters has a little bit of popularity currently.
4) I just kill that dude whenever I see him, so I don't have issues.
October 13, 2014 12:31 p.m.