Standard green devotion help
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 2, 2014, 8:02 p.m. by abenz419
I've been looking at some of the green devotion stuff lately and devotion is pretty easy to obtain in green. So, I've been toying with some ideas and everything comes out, like typical green, very creature heavy. What kind of stuff does green have to interact with your opponents board? With these creature heavy decks I find that once my opponent starts playing things I can't do nothing about it, except hope my creatures over power his. So what kinds of stuff does green offer so that I can interact with my opponent.
Also it's pretty easy to splash a little Black into a mono-green and give yourself access to Putrefy and Golgari Charm . And if you have a couple Sylvan Caryatid s or Verdant Haven it's pretty easy to get that black mana.
January 2, 2014 10:23 p.m.
yeah those last two are good, but I think i'd want something that hits creatures. Which is basically the only thing that sucks about green devotion and why I've been messing around with a buG devotion deck.... it's been doing alright but still needs work for sure. It's green devotion that uses black for removal and blue for Far / Away , card draw, and Prophet of Kruphix . If the deck gets going then it really takes off, theres nothing like Arbor Colossus , and Polukranos, World Eater with flash. Or adding to devotion on my turn and then flashing in Reverent Hunter as a 6/6 or better.
January 4, 2014 1:55 a.m.
Also you may find a place for Gruul Ragebeast within that creature-y build and with big creatures he's a brute.
January 4, 2014 2:18 a.m.
I run a Green Devotion deck and splash white for defense. I have Pacifism and Silence to help my early game, but I could maybe even up the number of mountains I run and add Chained to the Rocks now that I think about it. I also love running Fleecemane Lion . 2 cost 3/3, monstrous cost 5 for hexproof and indestructible. It's the perfect blocker considering I can have up to 6 mana by turn 3. My main gimmick is to use Karametra's Acolyte to tap for devotion to one-shot the enemy for 20+ health as early as turn 7 with Clan Defiance . I also have in Flesh / Blood which can hit for 10+ quite easily. I tried adding Aurelia's Fury , but the card ratios got all screwy and I couldn't draw well.
Here's a link to the deck if you'd like some ideas Nylea's Devoted. Feel free to take some ideas from my deck if you'd like. I'd also appreciate feedback if you feel so inclined. Good luck!
January 4, 2014 9:32 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #8
You want to run Bow of Nylea if running Polukranos, World Eater , monstrous him while attacking and you get a green board wipe. If you do want to splash for blue, Simic Charm is great for protecting your devotion - even if as a sideboard. Also, never underestimate Sylvan Primordial , he can be a power house. His reach also stops Desecration Demon and a bunch of other things.
January 4, 2014 10:04 a.m.
atlantis55555 says... #10
this may seem kind of lame but Deadly Recluse is always an option
GoldGhost012 says... #2
Basically the only options green has for removal and disruption are Ratchet Bomb and the Fight spells like Pit Fight . With such enormous creatures coming out relatively early, fight spells can act like a Hero's Downfall .
January 2, 2014 8:15 p.m.