Standard: Naya Mid-Range List
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 22, 2013, 3:29 p.m. by TorrentFreak
Hey TappedOut Community TorrentFreak here,
I am looking for some help with my Naya Mid-Range list. My main issue is the ramp, I have flip-flopped between how many mana dorks to use, and whether or not to use Farseek . I have previously used 8 mana dorks (Arbor Elf and card:Avacyn's Pilgrim) no Farseek . Which has flooded me out with dorks. I have used 4x Farseek , 4x card:Avacyn's Pilgrim. Sometimes not hitting the curve I want. A lot of times, players will burn my dorks to stop my ramp. What can I do?
Any critiques and opinions are welcome.
deth2munkies says... #3
I run 2 Arbor Elves and 4 Pilgrims with 4 Farseek in my Naya Midrange 4s Edition. You don't always have a forest, so they're more expendable, but you definitely want at least 1 ramp spell in your opener at all times, 10 give you a pretty good chance of that.
kausemu says... #2
Try running 3x Gyre Sage . It gets outside of burn range the turn after its played and it ramps up fast. Put the sage with 4x Farseek and 3x card:Avacyn's Pilgrim should give you a good mix of ramp options in all cases.
February 22, 2013 4:26 p.m.