Standard PT meta predictions
Standard forum
Posted on April 13, 2016, 11:18 p.m. by KB2187
I think it's pretty obvious that white is a pretty busted color this standard around. With Declaration in Stone, Silkwrap, Stasis Snare it has one of the best removal packages. Going forward, what do you believe the meta to shape up to given SCG Baltimore.
Aggro - White and White variants Humans.
Midrange - I can see Eldrazi flavors here and possibly Superfriends variants. They seem to need more access to sweepers to fend off the White Humans.
Control - It's hard not to put White here as well with their removal packages. This is probably where we'll get more White/X decks, whether UW or WB
Combo - Don't know if the CoCo decks fit more here or in Midrange, but there obviously is nothing like Rally the Ancestors was like last standard in terms of combo.
Anyways, who knows if I'm anywhere on point, but that's the fun of speculation. I think I expect to see more control decks with more answers to the board state that White aggro decks provide. Kozilek's Return, Horribly Awry anyone?? :)