Standard Rats, Golgari or Mono Black?
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 13, 2013, 12:44 a.m. by boomtownblues
Guys. Guys. guys.
I'm making a rat deck for gits and shiggles for in-between matches for FNM Standard, but I'm not sure which version to bust out.
I have a Green/Black Icky Mouse deck. The splash of green is primarily for added token generating effects, as well as Grisly Salvage . The downside is that the control aspect isn't as dependable.
On the other hand, I have Icky Mouse (Extra Dark). This focuses solely on discard control until I run into a Pack Rat . However, the token generation is much more slower.
Which has a better strategy in your opinions?
boomtownblues says... #4
Yeah, I was all about him until I realized he only procs for non-token kills and realized I'd rather spend that 5 mana on other cards.
Building up a rat army will take a while, especially if I'm trying to lay down Growing Ranks or Parallel Lives . In the Green/Black deck I found that I'd much rather have those enchantments than a slumlord given the choice.
The mono black deck might be even slower, so I imagine I'd rather want to play more control with extra mana not used for Pack Rat 's ability or drop a Desecration Demon or Shimian Specter for extra control/fire power.
Token generation with death touch might be nice, but by the time my opponent has at least 5 mana they might be able to work around them.
February 13, 2013 9:33 a.m.
What cards do you find yourself discarding to power Pack Rat ? With such a tight mana curve, I don't see very many cards that you could chuck that won't be useful later.
Have you considered a way to recycle your graveyard to recover what was discarded? Maybe a singleton Elixir of Immortality ?
February 13, 2013 9:43 a.m.
boomtownblues says... #6
Pretty much I discard anything once I get Pack Rat . I'n play testing I've been alright discarding lands once I have 6 on the field or if Deathrite Shaman is out. Cards like Grisly Salvage and Sign in Blood are also discard targets since I use them mostly for fishing out Pack Rat s.
Elixir of Immortality does help bring back my discarded cards, but without a way to quickly put those cards back in my hand I don't really see too much use in it. Once Pack Rat is out hardly any other option than its mana ability or the token enchants seem as appealing unless I absolutely NEED to slow my opponent down.
February 13, 2013 10 a.m.
For your Golgari deck, have you considered card:Descendants' Path? It may not be as reliable as Grisly Salvage , but it doesn't send everything to the graveyard.
How about combining the two? Splash a little green in the mono-black build for Deathrite Shaman and Parallel Lives . That gives you a little extra token generation as well as some graveyard utility for all those cards you and your opponent are discarding.
February 13, 2013 10:20 a.m.
boomtownblues says... #8
card:Descendants' Path might be useful if I throw in more rats like Drainpipe Vermin . Right now there aren't enough rats to justify throwing that in there, but I'll consider it!
I thought about reducing the amount of green, but it's hard to step away from the populate mechanic.
We're drifting into deck help discussions when I really want to know whether or not black control is better than splashed green populate, haha.
February 13, 2013 10:24 a.m.
Well, before Epocholyptik whisks your post away to the Deck Help section, I would say the mono-black route is the better way to go. Control is meant to be slower.
Hand disruption is always fun, especially against other control decks. You might have to bait a counterspell from time to time so your Mind Rot , Duress , and Appetite for Brains hit the good stuff, though.
February 13, 2013 10:43 a.m.
In either of those decks, I think Liliana of the Veil would fit quite well.
February 13, 2013 12:10 p.m.
boomtownblues says... #11
toooo expensive, especially for a deck that I don't see getting too successful in competitive play haha
boomtownblues says... #2
Forgot to mention, the primary strategy of both decks is to pop out Pack Rat . Hurr.
February 13, 2013 12:44 a.m.