Standard RDW Sideboard Questions
Standard forum
Posted on Nov. 10, 2014, 8:02 p.m. by JakeHarlow
Hey all. I just sleeved up a RDW list (actually, it's Eric Pei's deck from GP LA) that I want to take for a spin at my FNM this week. I've got a few questions about the SB options, though.
I see some lists running 1 or 2 Harness by Force. What's the big deal here? It's just an Act of Treason with a Strive option that, within a list with 18 lands, won't ever see realistic use. I get that it removes a blocker and adds its target as a threat for a turn, which is really nice for the deck. As a 3-drop, though, what matchups is it sided in for? And I suppose it's run over Act of Treason because it has the Strive option, as seldom as it will be used.
Scouring Sands is for the mirror match against RDW and other decks with 1-toughness creatures, right? Should I be running 2?
Eidolon of the Great Revel. How do I use this guy best? What matchups is he best for? I know he punishes most spot removal outside of Utter End. Is he for busting up control and midrange that side in even more removal post-board? I know the RDW Standard deck is all about reducing the opposition's life total quickly, so I assume that's what the Eidolon is for. Am I missing anything about him, though? Is he good against the mirror and other "fast" decks, or is he just an anti-control/midrange card?
For any RDW experts out there: I have a decent idea as to how to SB for different matchups, but I'd like it if somebody would break down the current Standard matchups for me and lay out a sideboard plan for each.
Thanks in advance! I usually don't net deck (not that net decking is at all bad), but I thought this list looked so fun that I just had to play it.
JakeHarlow says... #3
I can see it's strictly better than Act of Treason most of the time, because of the option. I just don't think a deck like it would often be able to strive that card. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems to see a lot of SB play with the mono-red aggro lists, so it's clearly pulling some weight.
November 10, 2014 11:22 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #4
The point stands whether you regularly strive it or not having the option is better than not. It's not implausible that a midrange opponent could stabilize, drop some big monsters and instead of attacking recklessly you start building up you mana and stealing two of their threats and knocking them into burn range with an alpha-strike. Harnesses are going for less than a dollar apiece so they aren't hard to get a few copies of.
Also the red lists I've been seeing aren't exactly "mono-one-drops" anymore, I've plenty of lists running things like Hall of Triumph or Goblin Rabblemaster because this isn't actually a format where you can kill on turn three so there's not a lot of point to not having some mid-game plays
Yes, you should be running two or three scouring sands in the sideboard.
Eidolon? I don't really know about eidolon either, I don't actually think it's very good against midrange because it's most important spells (the big monsters) won't trigger it. I guess it works best for control? I feel aggro is in better position to punish you for taking a few hits off your own eidolon?
November 11, 2014 12:11 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #5
Oh wait I just realized a matchup where Eidolon IS really good: Jeskai Ascendancy Combo
November 11, 2014 12:15 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #6
jeskai tempo is pretty low mana curved too, playing all those burn spells and whatnot. i think eidolon is good against those colors in general
November 11, 2014 12:17 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #7
I'm skeptical, though. Jeskai aggro/tempo generally has better creatures than mono-red (oh I take two for this Mantis Rider you take two for that...Firedrinker Satyr?) and it has a plethora of burn allowing it to knock you into dangerously low life totals faster and it's 'Burn range' is wider (burn range meaning the life total where you have to starting worrying about them just finishing you off with burn spells) ex. Jeskai Charm and Stoke the Flames.
November 11, 2014 12:26 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #8
I would always bring in Eidolon of the Great Revel (excepting mirror matches when you are on the draw). Most players will side in their cheap removal and the Eidolon punishes them for doing so. It's a fantastic card post-board against almost every deck in the current standard (imo). Don't main board it though, otherwise your opponent will be able to play around it post-board.
Harness by Force is great against decks with huge creatures that get in your way. Stealing your opponent's Siege Rhino or Stormbreath Dragon is a great way to capture a win.
November 11, 2014 2:33 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #9
Sounds good, guys! BlastercoolWeird, I'll try running 2 Scouring Sands, and I'll tell you how it works. Thanks for the responses, guys, very solid points and illuminating discussion. I'll post back with my FNM after-action report, if anyone is interested. It'll at least be good for a laugh as I epically fall flat on my face in some matchups (just watch, I always manage it).
November 12, 2014 1:29 a.m.
Beowulfe659 says... #10
Harness by Force is basically better than Act of treason, you never know when you might be able to strive that, better than nothing :)
I'd personally use Circle of Flame + Scouring Sands instead of just 2 scouring sands. For mirror match, they basically scoop up after seeing a circle, where for scouring, they can still rebuild a few turns after you cast it.
As for Eidolon, you can use it most of the time against all matchups. basically it's a turn 2 cast against aggro/tempo and most white control and definitely at least a turn 3 cast for ub control.
I basically use these as my sideboard:4 searing blood4 magma spray3 act of treason (because my friend haven't returned my harness yet so I'm forced to go along with this)1 circle1 scouring
If I'm on the draw on game 2, except against control decks of course, i switch out to a more burn centric decks. searing blood is epic against these matchups
November 24, 2014 7:28 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #11
Twinflame is completely busted with Goblin Rabblemaster. Could be good in the sideboard to speed up against grindy decks.
November 25, 2014 2:40 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #12
Pretty true, JexInfinite. I totally forgot about that card. That strike with a clear board would do a TON of damage. Assuming you copy a Rabble that made one token the turn before, you could potentially swing in for 15, I think.
Right now, I'm running this SB:
2x Magma Spray
I've gotten 2nd and 1st at the last two FNMs, respectively, with this list. I'm definitely looking into Harness by Force, Twinflame, Circle of Flame, Blinding Flare, or an extra Scouring Sands in place of those Magma Sprays. I haven't needed those cards very much.
I only run a single Rabble off the side, and none maindecked. As good as he is, he still costs 3 mana. Am I making a mistake by overlooking him?
November 25, 2014 10:45 a.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #13
I think Goblin Rabblemaster is one of the best cards in most mono-red decks. He can completely take over the game if left unanswered.
You seem to be more focused on 1-drops with your deck but I would definitely try running 3-4 main and seeing how that works for you (likely replacing 2 Hordeling Outburst and 1 Arena Athlete).
November 25, 2014 12:24 p.m.
Beowulfe659 says... #14
if you're mb'ing twinflame, how many do you run? 2x?
November 25, 2014 8:55 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #15
I don't MB that card yet, but I can see it as an SB tech against decks that run Drown in Sorrow or Anger of the Gods. Combining Twinflame with a post-sweeper Rabble is a great way to recover. I can see it working as a 2-of, but definitely not MB. Certainly a good tech against decks that try to stabilize with the format's 3-drop sweepers. The weakness is that you need both cards at the same time at the right moment. But it's worth looking at.
@ Gorgosaurusrex, I agree that running 3x Rabble in place of Outburst and Athlete could be the way to go. If I wanna MB it.
VampireArmy says... #2
I saw someone strive that and win due to taking the only 2 blockers gets there
November 10, 2014 8:18 p.m.