Standard Rotation
Standard forum
Posted on June 18, 2019, 4:07 a.m. by stensiagamekeeper
Does anyone know what sets cycle out with M20. I've heard different things from different places.
stensiagamekeeper says... #3
Idk what Q4 means. Can someone explain how this works cos people have linked me this same site to prove that IXN-M19 is rotating
June 18, 2019 5:02 a.m.
multimedia says... #4
There's no Standard rotation when M20 is released.
When the Core Set releases it's one of the best times for Standard. It means the most sets that are legal in Standard at one time. Including cards from both Core Set 2019 and Core Set 2020; it will be the largest pool of cards to choose from to play. It will be like this for 3-4 months before the Fall set is released. When the 2019 Sept/Oct Fall set is released then the four oldest sets that were released in Q4 2017-July, 2018 will rotate out of Standard.
June 18, 2019 5:07 a.m.
Q4 means Quarter 4, and is a term generally used by businesses and financial institutions when breaking down the year.
Magic releases a new standard set per quarter. Last year was Rivals of Ixalan (January - Q1); Dominaria (April - Q2); Core 2019 (July - Q3); Guilds of Ravnica (September - Q4). This year is Ravnica Allegiance (January - Q1); War of the Spark (April, Q2); Core 2020 (July - Q3); and "Archery" (September - Q4).
When it says rotation occurs in Q4, that means that rotation occurs when the Q4 set is released. So, when the set codenamed Archery is released, rotation will occur and the sets listed on the previously-linked website will rotate out.
Boza says... #2
After the fall set releases, both Ixalan sets, Dominaria and core 19 will rotate out, leaving Ravnica, Core 20 and the fall set in standard.
Core 2020 will not cause a rotation.
June 18, 2019 4:52 a.m.