Standard sideboards?
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 5, 2015, 5:09 p.m. by Dridane
So I just started playing again after taking a break for most of the last block. What are some cards that are staples or good for sideboards right now? Primarily I'm looking at blue, green, and white sideboards but that's just me.
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
Feed the Clan and Arashin Cleric are good against RDW.
Gaea's Revenge is a pain in the ass for non-Sultai control decks.
Stratus Dancer, Disdainful Stroke, Negate, Valorous Stance, and Surge of Righteousness are among others.
It really depends on the type of deck you're playing.
September 5, 2015 5:27 p.m.
It really depends on the deck you're running... I'd recommend Silkwrap for early creature aggro hate.
September 5, 2015 6:28 p.m.
I switch between sultia control and esper dragons depending on how I feel that day. Sultia I use Feed the Clan and Tasiger for sb against red aggro, and an extra ashiok and Disdainful Stroke for abzan aggro. Most other matchups I side lightly. In the dragons sb I run Surge of Righteousness and Pharika's Cure for red aggro, and Dragonlord's Prerogative plus stroke for a control matchup. I don't have much in my side's for green, but extra counterspells and removal make up my white and blue sideboards.
September 5, 2015 6:52 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #6
= Erase, Surge of Righteousness, Arashin Cleric
= Negate, Disdainful Stroke, Psychic Rebuttal, Encase in Ice
= Reclamation Sage, Feed the Clan, Hornet Nest, Gaea's Revenge
September 5, 2015 10:21 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions! magnetcrocodile any suggestions for black and red sideboarding? In hindsight I should have just asked about that from the get go for consistency haha
September 6, 2015 3:44 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #8
no probs
= Virulent Plague, Read the Bones, Thoughtseize(or Duress/Despise for budget), Self-Inflicted Wound, Languish, Crux of Fate, Drown in Sorrow, Hero's Downfall, Ultimate Price, Bile Blight(basically any form of removal your mainboard lacks)
= Rending Volley, Seismic Rupture, Exquisite Firecraft, Roast, Fiery Impulse, Magma Spray, Outpost Siege, Smash to Smithereens, Eidolon of the Great Revel, Molten Vortex
= Phyrexian Revoker, Orbs of Warding, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Hangarback Walker
Also some that I forgot:
= Tragic Arrogance, Revoke Existence, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Glare of Heresy, Valorous Stance, End Hostilities, Nyx-Fleece Ram
= Thopter Spy Network(niche), Stubborn Denial, Treasure Cruise, Annul
= Plummet, Back to Nature, Display of Dominance, Unravel the Aether
canterlotguardian says... #2
Psychic Rebuttal seems good in U/x sideboards when you encounter decks that you want to play their stuff but you don't want them to play their stuff.
September 5, 2015 5:14 p.m.