standard unblockable
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 1, 2014, 1:43 a.m. by douphipp455
Has anyone tried a standard unblockable for Gatecrash,Theros, and M14?
Budget Dimir Mill Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 5 COMMENTS | 133 VIEWSIsn't purely devoted to unblockables, but uses a couple to get the job done.
January 1, 2014 2:11 a.m.
unholycookies says... #5
Only unblockable I can think of is Agent of Horizons for simic players. Next best is Aqueous Form then Teleportal
January 1, 2014 5:42 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
Please use the appropriate forum. Moved to Standard.
January 1, 2014 6:09 a.m.
There are plenty "unblockable" creatures in Standard right now, however they are all pretty weak: Deathcult Rogue , Elusive Krasis , Keymaster Rogue , Phantom Warrior , Soulsworn Spirit , AEtherling , Thassa, God of the Sea and the already mentioned Agent of Horizons . Also any creature with intimidate against the right decks.
However they're all not nearly as broken as Invisible Stalker was...
January 1, 2014 8:33 a.m.
douphipp455 says... #8
There something together at my friends magic new years party. Unblockable?
DrFunk27 says... #2
There really aren't many unblockable creatures in standard. There are enchantments, but I hate getting 2-1 if it dies.
January 1, 2014 2:09 a.m.