Started thinking about the new standard? Well it's almost here!

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 20, 2013, 12:54 a.m. by vila_a23

So we have a week of spoilers left and about 7 days until the pre release of Gatecrash. The standard format has seen alot of versatility the past few weeks standard has seen the rise of some pretty powerful archetypes that may see an even bigger push in gatecrash. Those formats are Bant Hexproof, Esper Control, Human Reanimator, and Peddler. Bant hexproof imo is going to be the dominant aggro deck because it is just so hard for other decks to beat. With the rest of the shocks, it will be easier for esper to play Liliana of the Veil making hexproof a much better matchup, but for the other remainder of the field that relies on targeting spells to deal with other creatures, Glaring Spotlight is going to become their best friend. Esper control is going to be the dominant control deck by far and possibly the only control deck in the field for awhile, until grixis picks up that is. Yes, I think Human Reanimator is still going to be a thing. Why? Biovisionary is a human, that's why. Chronic Flooding can get cards into your graveyard stupidly fast and paired with other graveyard fillers, watch out for people winning off of an uncounterable card:Angel of Glory's Rise into 4 Biovisionary s. I also believe some form of 4 color peddler deck is still going to be around. Why? because just like the beggining of other standard formats, the early stages are going to be filled with heavy aggro players. There is going to be alot, and I do mean alot, of boros and other decks of the sort running around the first couple of weeks at big events and peddler+staticaster is going to be right there with them just waiting to ruin their day. Granted, I haven't seen anything from gatecrash that warrants a spot in the current build, but we still have a big chunk of cards to see!

LMarsR says... #2

January 20, 2013 3:50 a.m.

Mpz5 says... #3

Interesting ideas for sure. I like the idea of a human reanimator with that guy, sounds fun.

January 20, 2013 4:18 a.m.

CrimsonKing says... #4

Looks like a really fun combo. Use Forbidden Alchemy and Thought Scour for your graveyard set up.

January 20, 2013 4:31 a.m.

evil_monkey says... #5

Idk. Aggro will generally beat control based on just pure speed. Peddler decks, even though they are called peddler, generally don't run a full compliment of peddlers or Staticasters so they are typically using other forms of removal before they get set up for that synergy. And how do you cast Angel of Glory's rise to be uncounterable? I think bio visionary in a Reanimator style will probably be too slow and it will only work in game one if it does work. Game two gy hate will be sided in and wreck your strategy. However, infinite reflection, as mentioned above, could be a really good idea in that sort of deck idea. Transformative sideboard maybe?

January 20, 2013 12:25 p.m.

vila_a23 says... #6

Cavern of souls set to angel makes her uncounterable. That's how.

January 20, 2013 1:57 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #7

I always forget about cavern of souls somehow. :p

January 20, 2013 2:14 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #8

Esper Control could be pretty good though. As heavy as the current meta is on board states, the fact that esper could possibly board 12 sweepers is pretty huge. I don't know how much Dimir is actually going to add to the control game (seems that it is pretty underwhelming so far) but Orzhov is actually giving a few good cards to control builds. Aggro still seems to be king. Do you have a link to any of these Bant Hexproof lists that you have been seeing?

January 20, 2013 4:27 p.m.

CornX60 says... #9

I'm excited for trying anything unorthodox in GTC. Elves could possibly make a comeback if Simic has some decent early game control. Naya and Bant aggro will be there screaming "Thragtusk FTW!" though, which is annoying to me. Although the constructed looks stagnant, i hope there will be at least a few breakout crazy deck ideas to spice things up. Mono-black rats for example, it could happen. I would bet there will still be 5C control no matter what else is in the set.

January 20, 2013 4:34 p.m.

vila_a23 says... #10 this is the best list I have seen and it should be noted that it is the list that won last weekends gp. As for esper, Supreme Verdict is going to be nullified greatly due to Boros Charm but having Mutilate should make up for that. I also like that orzhov card that wraths whatever you need to get rid of at the moment. At 6 mana, you could possibly side it in against the mirror or midrange matchup just to have a solid way of dealing with planeswalkers, enchantments, and aritfacts later on.

January 20, 2013 4:37 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #11

I think Skullcrack is really going to keep Thragtusk and card:Sphinx's Revelation in check. Only time will tell though. I'm probably just being a fanboy about it, but I really think Boros Aggro is going to make a decent splash.

January 20, 2013 4:38 p.m.

vila_a23 says... #12

It would be interesting for some sort of mono black or B/G ramp deck with Crypt Ghast . A turn 4 or 5 Griselbrand is just devestating.

January 20, 2013 4:39 p.m.

evil_monkey says... #13

Thanks for linking that! It looks like a really good list. Glaring Spotlight will help to combat it, but it will still be hard to take down threats like that easily. I'm kind of surprised Fencing Ace doesn't show up in the list anywhere. Not too surprised, but it seems like a good list for him to be in. I forgot about Mutilate too. Esper will have a lot of board wipe options it seems.

January 20, 2013 4:42 p.m.

JMANNO33O says... #14

Glaring Spotlight may help out Boros with attacking. At a 4 cost all your creatures are unblockable, you could easily hit for 12 and maybe win the game.

January 20, 2013 10:13 p.m.

JMANNO33O says... #15

January 20, 2013 10:14 p.m.

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