Stormbreath Dragon Discussion

Standard forum

Posted on Feb. 3, 2014, 2:07 p.m. by trentfaris242

Where do you guys see Stormbreath Dragon going now that BNG, and specifically Flame-Wreathed Phoenix , is out? Here's my opinion:

I've always thought Stormbreath Dragon was super overhyped. The fact that he's fallen from $35 to $15 over the course of 1 set kind of proves that. I also just can't validate 5 CMC on a guy that can die to so much non-white removal or even be blocked easily. While he does have a better "late-game", you have to pay 7 mana to get there, the effect is only spectacular against control and, as I've already mentioned, it's unlikely he'll get there with all of the removal in the meta.

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix comes in either tribute-paid or tribute-not-paid. Tribute-paid makes him bigger and he's still attacking on the same turn as Stormbreath Dragon . Sure, he dies to removal, but he's 1 CMC cheaper and a lot of that removal is the same removal that would kill Stormbreath Dragon . Tribute-not-paid makes him faster and harder to get rid of.

I played Jund in Theros and had a hard time justifying playing Stormbreath Dragon . I plan to go Gruul this set and I still just can't see why I would want to fill a slot with him.

gufymike says... #2

justify by play testing it. because there are answers, doesn't make or break ANY card, all cards have answer to them. So that reasoning is thrown out the window. The late game isn't the monstrosity, it's the haste and swing for 4. The problem with the lack of Stormbreath Dragon and the fall of the price isn't he is unplayable but g/r monsters is not a deck widely played because of mono-b and u. Personally I would play both 4 phoenix and 2-3 dragons.

February 3, 2014 2:16 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

I take it this is for Standard?

February 3, 2014 2:18 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #4

@Epochalyptik Ya. Feel free to move it.

February 3, 2014 2:20 p.m.

meecht says... #5

Your opponent has to deal with Stormbreath Dragon the turn you play it if they don't want to take 4 to the face.

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix will sit as a vanilla 5/5 during your opponent's turn, where it will likely die to any number of removal spells. Or they will have drawn a removal spell on their turn and wait for you swing with Phoenix before they destroy it. Control would likely choose to not pay the Tribute, let you swing with it, then Azorius Charm it back to your library.

February 3, 2014 2:31 p.m.

Rayenous says... #6

Also, do not forget that Stormbreath Dragon also has an alternate method of dealing damage by going Monstrous... Not always a lot of damage, but certainly can punish some deck types.

February 3, 2014 2:51 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #7

Stormbreath Dragon is excellent, haste, evasion, can't be interfered with by Detention Sphere or Azorius Charm . Can get bigger and deal damage through monstrosity.

You shouldn't be choosing between the phoenix and the dragon, you should be playing both of them. Your choice lies with phoenix over polukranos and stormbreath over kalonian hydra or arbor colossus.

In my deck:

Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg Playtest

Standard Schuesseled

SCORE: 59 | 37 COMMENTS | 11233 VIEWS

. I'm running 3 Polukranos, World Eater , 3 Flame-Wreathed Phoenix , 4 Stormbreath Dragon and 2 Xenagos, God of Revels . At the top of my decks curve.

February 3, 2014 2:56 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #8

As someone thinking of building Big Red:

MRW my wife asks if she should brew beer or wine next.

February 3, 2014 2:57 p.m.

shift says... #9

Selesnya Charm , Azorius Charm , Orzhov Charm , any white weenie variant, dodges Boros Reckoner , Detention Sphere , Chained to the Rocks , and can infinite chump things like a monstrous Fleecemane Lion or another big white creature, it dies to Celestial Flare (if you attack alone with it), Hero's Downfall , Mizzium Mortars (pre- monstous), Doom Blade , Devour Flesh (if its alone on field), Rapid Hybridization , and can be bounced (no big deal it has haste, and can then be monstrous for more damage again) there may be BNG removal thats good but i havnt really cared to look. basically its good for lots of damage and requires specific removal or a situation you can easily play around. i do agree though just play both for lots of "answer me now or die" games :)

February 3, 2014 5:02 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #10

I like the consensus that both should be run.

February 3, 2014 5:08 p.m.

This discussion has been closed