(Strategy) When would you choose to play 2nd?

Standard forum

Posted on June 9, 2016, 1:39 p.m. by krunchyfrogg

When you play a match, whoever wins the flip has always chosen to go first.

Is there ever a time you'd choose that your opponent plays first?

Boza says... #2

Whenever you value the card advantage more than the tempo.

For example, an aggressive deck will always choose to go first, but in the game 2 of the mirror, you will board some Arc Lightning. By going second in g2, you increase your chances to draw the SB card and card advantage is most important in aggro mirrors.

June 9, 2016 1:58 p.m.

vampirelazarus says... #3

It's not standard, but manaless dredge always goes second in legacy.

June 9, 2016 2:40 p.m.

There are times where being on the draw is a good option especially if you plan to disrupt your opponent's hand. T1,G1-Disrupting your opponent play against a unknown can be like shooting in the dark. By being on the draw you can let them play out their first land, which helps you access what kind of deck you're playing against quicker.

Example like T1-Thoughtseize on your opponent who happens to play burn, which is really bad. Now you gave them 2 life. Alternate Scenario T2, they play land into Goblin Guide, swing and they reveal something useful, now you may not need to Thoughtseize to save some life.

June 9, 2016 2:45 p.m.

Argy says... #5

I used to think that Control decks should go second but I changed my tune after piloting a couple.

I can't think of any time I would choose to go on the draw, but I might just not have piloted the kind of deck that can benefit from it.

June 9, 2016 3:08 p.m.

Wiktul says... #6

Reanimator. If you don't have to be afraid of Daze in responce to your Dark Ritual + Entomb + Reanimate combo, you can let yourself go on the draw, keep hand at 8 and discard what you need in case if Entomb woulnd't be available.

June 9, 2016 3:36 p.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #7

Playing standard right now, you would never chose to be on the draw, especially in game 1. There are so many cards that are much better when on the play, like 1 drops, planeswalkers and counterspells, that you would never give an unknown opponent that advantage.

Given the current standard decks, there are no matchups where you would chose to draw in game 2 or 3. But there have been some in the past. Some top players of the mono red burn deck would chose to draw in the mirror matches because these mono red decks played few creatures and many removal spells, so they were both easily able to deal with each other's early onslaught and the game would come down to card advantage, so the extra card was a big difference.

However, this was not a universally excepted decision because, since it WAS after all mono red burn they were playing, if they stumbled even a little bit they would be punished much harder if they were on the draw than the play.

So, for the most part, always chose to play, especially in a format filled with Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Dromoka's Command and Ojutai's Command, all cards that improve vastly when you are playing first.

June 9, 2016 5:54 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #8

I myself like being on the play. Though there are times when I have a great hand, but maybe not comfortable with the # of land in it, so I will go on the draw instead for that extra card.

June 9, 2016 6:12 p.m.

GreenYawgmoth says... #9

In standard, modern, and any limited format, never. Never ever ever. Being on the play is just The Right Choice 100% of the time in those formats because drawing one extra card is just not worth being behind a land drop and thus also being behind in possible plays. Even if your anticipated turn 1 is "play & crack evolving wilds, go" it's still better to do that and get your 2-drop first than let your opponent be the first on the board.

Also, I remind you all that you choose to play/draw before you look at your opening hand, so things like having N lands in hand or X early game plays in hand can't be a motivating factor.

July 1, 2016 10:53 a.m.

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