Suggestions for States

Standard forum

Posted on May 14, 2013, 12:04 a.m. by Slycne

So I'm planning on playing at my local store this weekend that just happens to be hosting TCG's States for North Carolina. I've got three decks I'm considering at the moment, each with their own upsides, and I'm interested in getting some second opinions and meta calls.

Explosive Humans - Naya Blitz has the undeniable ability to just crush through matches if you're willing to take some inconsistency risks.

Gruul Zoo - Slower than blitz, but more consistent.

Huntmaster Ambush - RUG Flash's major advantage is that it's not something anyone expects.

Definitely Gruul aggro. Naya humans is fast, but its inconsistency really hurts it, and RUG is extremely weak to Sphinx's Revelation .

I would probably cut a couple of Pillars for two maindeck Domri Rade , though. Voice of Resurgence doesn't really hurt the deck, and Domri improves your control matchups immensely while acting as pseudo-removal.

May 14, 2013 12:18 a.m.

Cdawg44 says... #3

Gruul Zoo. Sure, Naya Blitz can stomp all over people, but like you said can be very inconsistent.

Whereas with Gruul Zoo, you can keep up with the fast aggro decks (maybe not as well as Naya Blitz, but keep up all the same), and can have enough stopping power for more of the mid-rangey decks. Plus, with the creatures you have in Gruul Zoo, you'll punish any control player who lets one swing in.

My vote goes to Gruul Zoo. You'll be ready for just about anything

May 14, 2013 12:22 a.m.

capriom85 says... #4

I agree with the above 2 statements. Gruul Zoo will be the most consistent here. I like RUB, but its probably the weakest form of control right now, which sets you out of that game, and unable to hang with the big swingers as well.

May 14, 2013 12:37 a.m.

Slycne says... #5

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll sleeve up Gruul Zoo for the next few days and give that a spin.

Any thoughts on sideboard? Even with red in a little bit of a decline from what it was before, Volcanic Strength is probably still worth including. Electrickery to blow out blitz and junk tokens. Domri Rade might move to mainboard, but certainly in the 75, I might even consider a third. Maybe Mark of Mutiny to grab Jund's big creatures. But I don't think it's probably worth slowing down for Ground Seal against the reanimator decks. Boros Reckoner into Blasphemous Act is certainly nice, but perhaps a bit of a pipe dream. And Mizzium Mortars strikes me as worth having on hand.

May 14, 2013 11:33 a.m.

capriom85 says... #6

Mizzium Mortars for kills most token armies, Restoration Angel , and a lot of what Bant will be coming at you with. Volcanic Strength is for sure viable in the sideboard, most competitive builds are still running red: Jund, Flash, RDW, Naya, Boros, Grixis. Domri Rade is a great choice here as well, I would mainboard 2. Good call on Electrickery , and Mark of Mutiny will catch opponents off guard. May win the game for you in a pinch. I would say go with something like Tormod's Crypt to battle Reanimator. It won't slow down your tempo.

May 14, 2013 1:15 p.m.

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