The Dragon Standard

Standard forum

Posted on March 12, 2015, 8:49 p.m. by 2austin5

With Dragons of Tarkir quickly approaching and the spoilers flooding in, it appears that every major archetype is getting pieces that it needs.

This brings about my question: How diverse do you guys think the new standard will be? I've talked with my friends extensively and some are hard set on an ago dominated field while others think control will rule all.

I personally feel that the field will be very diverse. I can see RDW being good. I can see Naya Zoo and RUG Zoo doing well. A ramp deck will most likely pop up. Devotion may return in green and blue. The pieces for Esper, UW, RUG, RWU,UB control are all coming together as well.

What are some of the things you guys have heard and what are your own opinions?

2austin5 says... #2


March 12, 2015 8:49 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #3

Temur aggro was always good. Just nobody played it. Sarkhan into 4x Stormbreath Dragon into monstrosity into kill is pretty fine, tho.

March 12, 2015 8:53 p.m.

I see monster decks and U/B and U/W control benefitting a ton.

March 12, 2015 10:17 p.m.

Magic in standard is almost like playing paper scisers rock,midrange beats aggro, control bets midrange,aggro bets control. Aggro is going to be alot better and its not because they are going to be getting more to work with in this set, its because control did.

March 17, 2015 7:01 p.m.

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