The Eldrazi can Splash Colors Too!

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 31, 2016, 4:11 p.m. by THE_WTF_Brewer

A deck that is supposed be a tier 1 or 2 contender, Colorless Eldrazi Midrange, is a deck I have been playing for a couple of weeks, and I have noticed one thing:


Because of access to painlands in standard, you can "splash" colors in your Eldrazi Midrange deck! most people say, "there are not many good one color eldrazi", and I agree with this. But you can splash Enemy color pairs easily!

I think the best option is blue red, because of Herald of Kozilek and Ruination Guide. You lose Walker of the Wastes's power by splashing, but you gain many cards, too.

What do you think?

here is a sample list of a "normal", Colorless Eldrazi Midrange deck.

Ditch in' all da colors

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