The Future and Variants of Aetherworks Decks
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 17, 2016, 9:19 p.m. by Wizno
I've been intrigued by the multitude of decks centered around Aetherworks Marvel and it looks like many people are still figuring out if the archetype is going to hold. So I'm curious what you all think of the archetype? Will it maintain? Will Temur reign supreme or will another variant shine in the months to come? I believe the Pro Tour had a Bant variation and Gruul variant as well.
Personally, I would be intrigued to see a Sultai variant. I believe the inclusion of a card like Demon of Dark Schemes as a substitute for Kozilek's Return could be interesting. It's a non-legendary creature so you can have multiples on the board. It can easily wipe out many small creatures seen in aggro decks currently and gets around Selfless Spirit's ability. It's a solid energy producer and I think it could quickly recharge Marvel for another shot if you miss an Eldrazi. What do you think?
I think Demon of Dark Schemes fits better in a Panharmonicon deck. I tried it and it seems to work. The beauty of Aetherworks Marvel I think is that it's A. an artifact and B. energy reliant. Meaning it fits into any deck potentially with bomb rares. It did pretty well at the pt and I think a lot of people like the combo playstyle. So yeah marvel is here to stay in some way.
Chubbub says... #2
Well marvel decks are weak to any decks packing counter magic, and because control decks were so successful and prominently displayed at the pt I'd suspect a huge uptick in bad matchups for marvel. So I'd suggest finding some sort of more resilient/less linear shell to lessen the impact of counters.
October 17, 2016 10:37 p.m.