The heck just happened? An insane Sat. NM story

Standard forum

Posted on Nov. 9, 2014, 4:25 a.m. by TheFosterColt

OK, so a guy that usually runs a Sultai Delve deck came in and played with us for Saturday Night Magic.I'm running a Mardu Demons Midrange, and most of everyone else was either running Jeskai Tempo, Abzan Midrange, and one guy was running BUG Control. First round, I was able to 2-0 Jeskai Tempo easily. Second round, I play the Sultai Delve guy, he won his last round. I figure that he got lucky, and I knew from watching early Pro Tour games that Sultai Delve was way too slow to be running in standard right now. First game, Master of the Feast and Butcher of the Horde ended him real fast, along with 2 Lightning Strike. Second and third, he draws every removal spell possible, and I lose the second round 1-2.He won against Jeskai Tempo, the fastest deck in our Meta. He won against BUG control, after it Stained the Mind for Sidisi. He went 4-0 for the night. Last week he went 1-3. WHAT. It didn't make sense, the deck was slow, he didn't run Whip of Erebos for ETB effects and lifegain, and his only wincons were either Sidisi, Brood Tyrant or Necropolis Fiend. Needless to say, us and the guys were pretty peeved about it. Thoughts?

Kingzerker says... #2

Necro Fiend is a solid wincon at least. Sidisi w/o a Whip seems like it's just a distraction. But I think Sultai Delve can actually work fairly well with enough filtering to find your removal and fill your yard. It won't always come out on top and lacks the raw power other decks have right now though. The best thing it's got going for it is that it's unexpected; it can catch people off guard and nobody has a super relevant sideboard plan against it.

One question. Did the guy run Coursers to block/filter/gain life?

November 9, 2014 4:56 a.m.

xlaleclx says... #3

Have you ever heard of variance?

November 9, 2014 4:57 a.m.

TheFosterColt says... #4

Yeah, but most of the damage that was dealt to him all night was either in the air or by heavy burns. And he didn't filter a whole lot with Courser, and the tiny lifegain was no comparison to the all-out beatdowns all of our decks had to offer. But, one of my friends said that everyone had to take mulligans for our first round other than him. I think he just had an extremely lucky night.

November 9, 2014 5:04 a.m.

Souljacker says... #5

Yeah anyone can get lucky and win a few consecutive games, regardless wether he has a top tier deck or just a somewhat good one. Come back when he starts winning every week.

November 9, 2014 7:12 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #6

Hey, I took a RUG control list based around Phytotitan and went 3-1 at FNM about a month ago. Totally wrecked Sultai flyers and two Mardu midrange decks. And yet I went 0-4 the following FNM two weeks later. VARIANCE!

November 9, 2014 8:01 a.m.

mpeach1 says... #7

And just saying, I lost on turn 3 to red deck wins last night playing bug walkers, and I've not lost to jeskai tempo (fortunately), thinking the meta may be seeing some new faster aggro than just that deck

November 9, 2014 11:06 a.m.

ZionOTWL says... #8

I've gone 2-2 for a solid 6 weeks now..

November 9, 2014 12:11 p.m.

notamardybum says... #9

my thoughts: be happy for the dude. hes playing a brew hes happy with rather than playng a tier 1 deck thats boring as balls.

also, just because you have a better deck doesnt mean you deserve to win. no one does, so get that out of your head.

November 9, 2014 1:12 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #10

Just watch for people doing the Trevor Humphries shuffle when they're cutting your deck. Other than that you just lost. Oh well.

November 9, 2014 1:25 p.m.

Dalektable says... #11

A home brew beat me whine whine whine, my deck is so much better whine whine whine. You would have had a fit when I took Mono Blue Flyers to an undefeated night on my first run last season, lol. Home brews win when the expected metagame isn't prepared. Also, he could have just been a good player. Which I expect he was to go 4-0.

November 9, 2014 3:24 p.m.

AkiThePope says... #12

decklists?Your and his

November 9, 2014 9:31 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #13

notamardybum basically hit the nail on the head.

If you didn't win, you didn't win. You did not deserve to win, because you didn't. He won, and that's that. If he played better, then he deserved that win. Even if hew drew better, he deserved that win.

I mean, I have a great matchup against Zoo in modern, yet I lost 1-2 to it last week. Why? Because I got terrible draws, and he got decent ones. I didn't deserve to win because I had a better chance of winning, because I lost.

November 10, 2014 7:07 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #14

Sometimes people win a lot, even when statistics might render it improbable. Sounds like he wasn't a half bad player either.

November 10, 2014 7:38 p.m.

Kalibroxin says... #15

Part of this game is the randomness of which things happens, specifically drawing cards. He drew the cards that he needed to win, and you didn't.

Another thing is, what if instead of being lucky against you this week, he was unlucky the previous week? What if his deck is primed to win more often than not, and he just got off to a rocky start? Would you expect a deck that's only win con is Grindclock to win anything? No, but I did it 3 FNM's in a row, going 15-0 with the deck before people starting sideboarding against it. Was the deck good? Apparently, but maybe I just got really lucky.

If you are going to get "peeved", you should probably play a game that you can't lose, like Tic Tac Toe.

November 18, 2014 9 a.m.

I love winning FNM events with janky homebrews. If you know the deck well enough and are a good player you can make most decks work at the FNM level.

I won 2 FNMs in a row with my Blast of Genius + Enter the Infinite deck before people started playing around it. Then I switched it up to Maze's End.

November 18, 2014 11:42 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #17

He may have been running it in a control type shell just because he knows everyone there is running aggro,midrange style decks. He could just be a solid player who had a bad week running his delve and tweaked it just so, He could have been testing the waters and making those 'i should have done this last time" decisions that made all the difference in his game play. Congratulate him, find the answers and put them in the side, Prep for your next facing of him.

November 18, 2014 5:27 p.m.

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