Tier list for MTGA and is Frilled mystic viable in BO1
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 26, 2019, 1:42 p.m. by SMASHER101
SMASHER101 says... #3
Can someone tell my why my link is to a deck and not a card?
January 26, 2019 1:47 p.m.
GoblinsBeatElves says... #4
SMASHER101: because there is also a deck named Arclight Phoenix . Tag it like this:
[[card: Arclight Phoenix]]
That makes sure you link a card.
January 26, 2019 1:55 p.m.
Izzet Drakes is viable, but Arclight Phoenix imho not. It adds too much RNG to that deck. The new Pteramander can act as drake number nine to twelve and Niv is always a nice curve topper.
Frilled Mystic surely is viable. There is a nice deck running around with Hydroid Krasis as the top end or you could play Bant Flash.
Pre Allegiance it was impossible to make a metagame picture for Arena, because of that stupid mirror match matchmaking. Your opponens were vastly different depending on your own deckchoice. The meta at the moment is really great if you ask me. There is a deck for everyone and every archetype is viable at the moment, even combo and ramp, which you don't see often in standard. In my last best of one league there were seven different decks: two mono red, gruul aggro, golgari midrange, izzet drakes, bant nexus, dimir control and esper control.
Mono Red Aggro and Bant Nexus are declared as the best decks right now, but to be honest, you can achieve a good winrate with nearly every deck, because in my opinion many people on Arena aren't that good players.
SMASHER101 says... #2
Is Arclight pheonix stil tier 1?
January 26, 2019 1:43 p.m.