Time to put you're thinking caps on

Standard forum

Posted on Feb. 22, 2013, 11:10 p.m. by vila_a23

Hello everyone! As you all should know, Game Day is just a week away and that playmat you get for winning is just sick. I want it. At my store I am known as the local timmy always playing the strangest and biggest decks. For example, the past few fnm decks I have been playing a deck with omniscience and enter the infinite in it. The weeks before that, I played burn at the stake combo. My point is, I am always looking to play the most outlandish deck I can think of. I have run into a problem though, father time. I recently started a new job and along with schooling, I don't have much time to sit around and brew. So now I come to you all, I ask that you guys work together and with me to build a deck that has yet been discovered! There are only a few stipulations for the deck.

  1. The deck has to have a shot at going all the way against my meta.
  2. It CANNOT be an aggro deck. I despise aggro decks. Simple.
My meta is as follows but not exact: 2x esper control decks. 2x Jund midrange decks. 1x Wolf Run bant deck. 1x W/R/B tokens deck. 2x Naya aggro (1 humans and 1 non human). 1x Bant midrange. 1x Junk Reanimator. Those are the decks that our competitive players are running so they are the decks I feel the most need to do well against them. I have the resources to build just about anything. I don't have a clue about what to run or where to start brewing, some ideas I had though were with Master Biomancer , Duskmantle Seer , etc. I just want for my opponent to have to pick his brains off of the floor after the match is over because I blew his mind with my deck.

SwiftDeath says... #2

there have been some interesting focus builds around Master Biomancer and Infinite Reflection to go with Primal Surge can make a lot of ridiculously big creatures or can just win you a game with the right set up. this is nothing original though it was an article on mtgdaily not to long ago.


February 23, 2013 12:05 a.m.

cartwheelnurd says... #3

I built a deck called Shadows of Innistrad and I haven't tested it thoroughly yet but I think it would play well against the meta. Its pretty budget if you forgo some lands and it isn;t aggro, so I guess it would be good.

February 23, 2013 12:08 a.m.

deadbolt says... #4

Do an Esper or Grixis control build with Misthollow Griffin and Rest in Peace or Moorland Haunt which essentially guarantees you will always have a griffin to cast.

February 23, 2013 12:31 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #5

also with the master biomancer deck you could run it bug or rug as well but a great finisher card so you don't deck the turn you go off would be card:Akroma's Memorial.

February 23, 2013 1:08 a.m.

Denial048 says... #6

Build a deck built around big creatures, and Primal Surge ing them onto the battlefield. Have as few non-permanents as possible, and also have either Fervor or card:Akroma's Memorial so as your Worldspine Wurm s and whatnot hit the field, you can attack with them straight away.

February 23, 2013 5:02 p.m.

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