top 3 deck archetypes in your opinion and your personal favorite
Standard forum
Posted on March 25, 2014, 8:24 p.m. by amishrambo
look for 3 main things when thinking about your picks, 1.standard defining 2.genral win/loss ratios at events and your FNMs 3.personal taste
mine are
1.mono blue devotion
2.mono black devotion
3.R/G monsters
personal.R/G monsters: gruul I have been rooting for since Innistrad and gatecrash and im so glad that it doing well
amishrambo says... #3
yea I think the thougtseize reprint was a bad idea I almost wanted to quite magic just because of Gitaxian Probe hand revealers that are good are generally too toxic to make enjoyable games
March 25, 2014 8:52 p.m.
I agree on everyone else's top 3, as all are hard to beat. But I would like to suggest Bant walkers as another strong archetype for consideration.
My personal favorite is definitely Minotaurs. It's the most fun, even if it doesn't win.
March 25, 2014 8:54 p.m.
U/W/x control should be on that list. Just saying. I would put the list something like this:
- Mono Black Devotion
- U/W or Esper Control
- Mono Blue Devotion
- America Control, Bant Control, and Gruul Monsters tied.
I base this list on the players that innovate these decks. For example, I wouldn't always put MBD at the top, but when Owen Turtenwald is playing it, I do. The same is the case with MUD being piloted by Jeremy Dezani. A deck is only as good as its pilot. I'm a strong advocate of that.
March 25, 2014 8:56 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #6
1 UW/x Control
2 R/G or Jund Monsters
Personal: Any rogue or aggro deck. Mono-Black aggro is good.
March 25, 2014 9:05 p.m.
Am I the only one that gets bugged by someone calling monsters "Gruul"? Lol sure it matches the color but it only has 1 Gruul card in the list.
Mine are
MBD, RG then control.
My favorite architype right now is BW midrange.
March 25, 2014 10:17 p.m.
Top 3 archetypes in Standard atm probably:
MBD/MBC (includes B/r and B/w variants)
UW Control (also seen commonly as Esper, and to a lesser extent America and Bant control/walkers)
GR Monsters (also commonly seen as Jund Monsters)
My Personal Favorite: GW Hexproof Enchantments for it's ability to have a good matchup with all of the top 3
Honorable mention:
MUD (sometimes with white splash)
March 25, 2014 10:34 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #9
Mine are:
UW (x) control
Mono white aggro
My favorite archetype is Jund midrange, though. I do not play standard often right now, but when I do I dust off my Jund deck and it makes into the final round often enough for me not to get a new deck. It takes the tournament off and on. It's consistent and doesn't run out of gas very often. But I am Jund player at heart, (thanks eternal formats) and it just feels comfortable to continue playing like that.
March 25, 2014 10:37 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #10
Mine are
UW Control/Gruul Monsters
Personal favorite is Rakdos aggro. That's what Im currently running and hitting top 8 on a regular basis with it. Sometimes even top 4 at fnm.
March 25, 2014 10:54 p.m.
Kind of a wash after that.
However, my favorite deck is naya control.
March 26, 2014 12:20 a.m.
I play Mono-black and consistently lose to U/W/x Control, so I'd put "Esper" or "Azorius" Control at the top just because I see it so often (and it wins so often).
RG is also very strong, but even when I lose against it, it's a close game.
I haven't seen anyone use Mono-blue in my area. Mono-white is gaining some popularity, but I recently beat a Mono-white with R/B aggro, so I dunno. I think 3-color midrange is still popular (Dega, Jund, Grixis, etc.) but they aren't top-finishers.
My list would then be:
Esper Control
R/G (or Mono-white, 'cause I think it has potential)
March 26, 2014 2:13 a.m.
Oh, and my personal favorite is actually R/B aggro (Rakdos beatdown, or Minotaur Tribal!)
Doesn't win ever, but is so much fun for the first four turns.
March 26, 2014 2:15 a.m.
BoromirOfGondor says... #15
With the recent shift in the standard metagame due to the resurgence of Esper Control, my list is drastically different than what it would have been a few weeks ago.
UWx Control
Gruul Monsters
Mono-Black Devotion
Mono-Blue Devotion
Esper Midrange
My favorite: Maze's End Turbofog, because I'm that guy.
March 26, 2014 1:02 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #16
These are the three tier 1 decks at the competitive level and are all equally good.
1a. Mono-Black or B/w Midrange
1b. G/R Monsters
1c. U/W/x Control
Mono-Blue Devotion and R/w Burn make up the 2nd tier.
My favorite is Monsters hands down. I love tearing U/W control players' heads off, never gets old.
March 26, 2014 1:21 p.m.
I am so sick of seeing esper control being played at my local events and also at the bronze/gold events that have been played in my area, Minnesota. I started playing magic in '94 and quit during visions just to come back in December. Something's have changed and something's have stayed the same.
My three are the following,BWR control. I put this together to battle gruul and esper control the last two months, Control w/o blue. I haven't made any of the big events yet with it but I've faired well with it these last two months. Against esper I've gone about 500, mono black/blue/red I've done just fine and against gruul I've owned.
Next would be gruul. I don't have a deck made for, event play but what I do have on TO, 30/30 trample haste, what?!?! has been fun to play in home settings against friends. Having a 30/30 haste And trample worm out on turn 7 is fun.
Lastly would be a radkos midrange, aggro type deck. I've stayed away from red deck wins just because there isn't any real skill in it. "Here let me drop creatures with haste and burn you before for the win before turn 7".
March 26, 2014 6:43 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #18
My top 3:1. MBD2. Orzhov Midrange3. U/W Control
My personal favorite is my Turbofog Maze's End deck. I absolutely love playing it any many people do not expect it to be played in a competitive environment. I always play "rogue" decks though.
March 27, 2014 4:41 p.m.
lord_of_the_snakes says... #19
Orzhov midrange
Esper control
I really hate how common orzhov midrange is at my LGS, since the blood baron completely wrecks my deck, since all my removal is black, and the only other color in my deck is green. Yes, I run B/G dredge in standard.
Dalektable says... #2
The top three archetypes in standard are what you said, just in a different order.
1) MBD
2) MUD
3) Gruul Monsters
This is, of course, if we are going by the current tournament standings. Personally i don't really like any of these top three deck archetypes, short of Monsters i find standard to be pretty stale right now. I suppose that's why i'm starting to get into modern, haha.
March 25, 2014 8:48 p.m.