Top Sleeper Cards Post Gatecrash
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 18, 2013, 9:47 a.m. by Azure124
Now that Gatecrash has been out for a couple weeks i have seen cards with the large potential in standard that haven't been exposed much by top 8 finishes recently. I looked at most of the larger tournaments in the month of February to find these cards were already exposed or still sleepers.
1-Ghor-Clan Rampager , it is a great combat trick or a 4/4 trampler for 4, is immune to most instant speed removal and makes most midrange creatures (Thragtusk / Restoration Angel ) go from trading with your creature to it dies your creature lives and they eat the rest of the damage. Top 8 appearances less than 6 with well over 20 lists that support its colors
2-Murder , with gatecrash released and the majority of big bombs now multi-colored Ultimate Price doesn't cut it anymore and sorcery speed removal will cost you the game against any deck running Obzedat, Ghost Council . With the current mana fixing doubleblack shouldn't be a problem, Top 8 appearances 0 with 20+ possible appearances
3-Rubblebelt Raiders , it is a very good finisher and with all the trample effects in its colors (Rancor , Kessig Wolf Run , Ghor-Clan Rampager ) you can easily have it take over games. Top 8 finishes using this card 0 potential decks that could use it over 30
4-Entreat the Angels , before people say a card that is worth as much as it is and was involved in tier 1 decks in the past can't be a sleeper i have a few things to say. 1) Most its value is from legacy 2) It is currently used in 0 tier 1 decks 3) people are running less and less cards that are a hard counter to this card. used in 0 top 8 finishes potential decks that could use it 20+
5-Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , this card can really slow tempo decks down, If you are playing white weenie, boros or a naya bloodrush style deck this card will make a big impact. Top 8 appearances 2 potential appearances 20+
6-Clan Defiance , in a grull/naya build removal is somewhat limited and this is great for that, it kills up to 2 creatures and Fireball 's the opponent. Top 8 appearances 0 main less than 5 side, possible appearances 30+
I will update this list later when i have the time but until then here are a couple lists that have some of those sleepers in them
Strength of the clan and deck:jund-of-the-future
Decks to watch out for
1 Naya midrange
2 Jund midrange
3 Esper control
5 Naya aggro
6 Boros aggro
7 Grull aggro
Tell me what you think and list any cards you may think that could be sleepers
The Aristocrats deck has already risen to power so it should be noted as a deck to watch out for. Victim of Night is a much better answer to obzedat. Rubblebelt Raiders Is weak to all azourius charm running decks and unlsee you give it haste, it I'm looking at you Fervor , it is to slow against other creature decks. Entreat the Angels Fell off in popularity because of Slaughter Games and Sever the Bloodline and since jund i s still a deck, control is better off without it. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben already sees play against control.
Some better choices for sleepers are Master Biomancer , Prime Speaker Zegana , Assemble the Legion , Bloodline Keeper Flip , Silklash Spider , and Cloudfin Raptor . Since I don't want to make a very long comment, if you want an explenation on any of my picks, let me know.
February 18, 2013 11:05 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #4
I would be running Master Biomancer if I weren't running undying + evolve already. That card is broken as hell especially combined with Ooze Flux , evolve creatures, and/or Zameck Guildmage /Fathom Mage .
February 18, 2013 11:12 a.m.
@vila_a23 from all the decks i looked at those are the cards i found that didn't make it into top 8 lists that i think could make an impact, out of these Master Biomancer is the card that i think would have potential to be big in standard and the spider has been sideboarded for a while but the others are just too slow, with the raiders you can use card:Slayers' Stronghold as an accelerator to put quick pressure on them
Azure124 says... #2
sorry about the bold text no clue how it happened
February 18, 2013 9:48 a.m.