Ultimate Price vs. Doom Blade

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 29, 2013, 9:52 p.m. by strateupjee

So I have been debating Ultimate Price vs. Doom Blade and I honestly don't know which one to go with. I am leaning towards the Blade just because my meta is heavy RDW and Selensya, with a couple W/R Devotions, Mono-Blue, and new players decks (I know of a cheap mono-green for sure, played him last week and it was meh xD). We also have at least 1 Control deck that goes top 4 every week. Now my only argument for keeping the Prices is that there is at least 2 other Mono-Blacks other than mine, and I don't have room for Dark Betrayal in my sideboard. Please give me a hand here!

strateupjee says... #2

I also meant to ask which kill spell people think is better positioned in the meta. If you went to a GP or PT, which would you run? Price or Blade?

December 29, 2013 9:59 p.m.

Devonin says... #3

December 29, 2013 10:01 p.m.

strateupjee says... #4

I know, I cant post a deck list, but my line up is 4 Downfalls, 4 Devour Fleshes, and 3 (either Price or Blade).

December 29, 2013 10:02 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #5

I would go with Doom Blade , and if you have room in the sideboard, an equal amount of Dark Betrayal .

December 29, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #6

The way I see it is that Blade misses 6 things (Black creatures, Multicolored creatures that are black), whereas Price misses 10 things (Every multicolored creature).

Though because you can't predict which things your opponents will be running, i'd go for both, though with a preference to blade.

Since you've said that you're running 3 of x, this would mean 2 blade, 1 price, with a SB to accordingly alternate out the wrong choice. (2 price and 1 blade SB)

December 29, 2013 10:23 p.m.

I would run 2 Price, 1 Blade. Price will hit something in every deck whereas in the mono-black mirror blade does nothing, but having both will allow some versatility.

December 29, 2013 11:58 p.m.

you really can't run too many doom blade right now with half of all the players using mono black and esper and The Rock. Ultimate price is better right now and hits most major creature threats except Blood Baron , Obsedat who you wont catch anyway and boros reckoner, I guess nightveil specter gets honorable mention but thats it you can kill a fair share besides those and the only creature I mentioned doom blade kills is reckoner. So I say ultimate price.

December 30, 2013 1:56 a.m.

Ragdoll says... #9

In the current meta, I would go 2x blades, 2x downfalls, then sideboard two betrayals and prices respectively. That's just my opinion.

December 30, 2013 9:07 a.m.

drakanar says... #10

It really depends on your decklist yourself; from the description of current used, I'm guessing you're running Mono-Black Devotion; in that case, you really have to look at the creatures that you're really afraid of (which isn't much) and what answers you have for the downsides of each...

Pros to Doom Blade

Con to Doom Blade

  • Worthless in Mirror-match

Pros to Ultimate Price

Cons to Ultimate Price

December 30, 2013 9:43 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #11

I always adopt the philosophy: "A mix is best against the majority". This way, you have less dead cards against ALL matchups and not REALLY dead cards against a 50/50 to hard to win matchup. (such as the monoblack mirror and Doom Blade ).

Personally, I think Devour Flesh is your best bet alongside a playset of Hero's Downfall ...so 4 each here.

If you want even more removal main, I'd suggest 1 x Doom Blade 2 x Ultimate Price split

January 2, 2014 4:09 p.m.

I think Doom Blade is the better main board card. However having something different in there for mono black is also important.

January 2, 2014 6:06 p.m.

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