Viable Bruna Decks?

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 29, 2012, 3:42 p.m. by 2austin5

I just sold off a large majority of my good cards. However, I kept a few to make fun decks with since I don't play competitively as much anymore. Is there any good way to make a viable Bruna, Light of Alabaster deck in standard? I know it is difficult and nowhere near amazing but it would be for fun and to test things out, something like a Descent into Madness +Misthollow Griffin +tokens deck is fun but not amazing. Thanks guys!

Ohthenoises says... #2

I think the best way to run Bruna in standard would be to run a self mill reanimator. Milling all of your enchantments Unburial Rites and swing. Esper colors. Forbidden Alchemy , Thought Scour , etc.

December 29, 2012 3:50 p.m.

2austin5 says... #3

Any idea on which enchantments may suit the deck best?

December 29, 2012 3:58 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

I really like Righteous Authority in a control shell. Ethereal Armor could put some hurt on. Unhallowed Pact can provide some resistance to control.

Dark Favor ,

Divine Favor ,

Knightly Valor ,

Mark of the Vampire ,

Tricks of the Trade ,

Curiosity ,

Ghostly Touch .

All in all I would run Tricks of the Trade , Ethereal Armor , Curiosity , and Righteous Authority in some kind of mix.

December 29, 2012 4:15 p.m.

Delequiox says... #5

this is my main deck deck:you-cant-beam-through-this-force-field she isn't my main, but she plays her part when a board wipe happens or if they can kill the main enchanted force.

at the same time you could use her and board wipe yourself and bring her in to get control of the board.

suggestions would be helpful aswell.

December 29, 2012 4:59 p.m.

atreyujames says... #6

I actually had a conversation with a friend last night about bruna.

my feelings on bruna are very mixed. she seems like a fun casual deck but in standard I believe she would fail. the reason being is that compared to other 6 drop creatures, she relies heavily on other cards. think about it this way; if you have say 3 bruna's in your deck that would mean you would want to have a fair amount of auras. say you have around 15 auras (a quarter of your deck), as well as lands (probably somewhere around 22-23). that makes 40 cards already taken from your deck. that doesn't leave alot of room for anything else. say you want removal, how much can you include? you definitely want more creatures so you can use up those drawn auras. as well, having a deck that relies on having auras and then getting to 6 mana is pretty risky considering all they would need is one piece of removal (Dreadbore , Supreme Verdict , or better yet Terminus ) and your entire plan is shot, meanwhile they probably have a better board than you or a easier method of regaining board control. there deck probably doesn't have 15 aura's, they probably either have enough removal to deal with more brunas (control) or enough creatures to beat you down quickly (aggro, midrange).

im not saying i dislike the idea of an aura deck that uses evasive aura's with very good creatures, such as Geist of Saint Traft , Fencing Ace , Invisible Stalker , Spectral Flight , and Ethereal Armor , but bruna is just not woth the effort or the cost

December 29, 2012 6:01 p.m.

Delequiox says... #7

I dunno atreyujames, but I think that she can be good use as a back up plan you hold in your hand in response of a board wipe and as a back up plan to Invisible Stalker . Or as a combo with Supreme Verdict to regain control of the board if lost.

I do agree that she is more of a support card and not a deck theme.

December 29, 2012 6:43 p.m.

2austin5 says... #8

I feel like it could do some work, if you have 25 land, 15 aura, 8 creature, 12 other spells then it is a control-esque setup. But like I said I just want something that will be fun since I got rid of most of my money cards. Are there any other fun decks that I can do with cheap rares?

December 29, 2012 6:52 p.m.

atreyujames says... #9

2austin5: what I was trying to get across is that those 15 auras are useless unless u have at least 1 creature. thats not always going to be a sure thing if there's only 8 creatures. but if you add more creatures then you lose vital utility and removal like Azorius Charm , Supreme Verdict , or Oblivion Ring

December 29, 2012 10:03 p.m.

atreyujames says... #10

and one fun deck is the Nightshade Peddler / Izzet Staticaster combo deck

December 29, 2012 10:04 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #11

When you talk about "Cheap rares" what is your idea of cheap?

December 29, 2012 10:27 p.m.

2austin5 says... #12

like between 1-5 dollars. Im just looking for either fun little combos or tricks with not so seen cards. Like I could do reanimator bruna, reanimator with cards like Balefire Dragon

December 29, 2012 10:36 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #13

I personally like re-animator as a gimmicky deck. I don't play gimmicky decks because I have horrible luck so I play consistent aggro like affinity in modern/legacy and G/W aggro in standard.

IMO Naya humans is going to be pretty good in gatecrash so you could start acquiring the cards for it. (Champion of the Parish , Riders of Gavony , and Mayor of Avabruck  Flip .)

Also, starting with a good land base is kinda important so if you want to keep it cheap the land base will the first thing you are going to want to set up so I would first decide what colors you want and go from there.

December 29, 2012 10:42 p.m.

2austin5 says... #14

yea, chances are I will do the guild gates as my fix, clunky but what I can afford. The deck I plan on doing for casual is planes walker wall with Amulet of Vigor as my mana "fixer" to be a bit more rapid. I just want to go back to making creative rouge decks. I like reanimator because I get the luck in my draws lol

Ive considered humans as boros though because there are good cheap ones and I can use a bit of burn

December 29, 2012 10:47 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #15

Boros will be good without a doubt however, green has too many good humans and utility to ignore. Selesnya Charm , Mayor of Avabruck  Flip , Hamlet Captain , and card:Avacyn's Pilgrim are all worth mentioning.

December 29, 2012 10:51 p.m.

2austin5 says... #16

very true and with green I could ramp into gisela a bit as it is one of the mythics I wanted to keep. I think there may be some works in progress coming this way lol

December 29, 2012 10:57 p.m.

perita says... #17

Actually... bruna in standar is not very viable.. you should try her out in modern.

You can put things like:Eldrazi ConscriptionCelestial MantleSpirit MantleAngelic Destiny

You build it GUW use the Somberwald Sage, Avacyn Pilgrim, Borderland ranger to get the mana fix you need to cast Bruna before turn six.Or you can do as i do an play a simple WU deck with Myrs for Mana fixin. Gold MyrSilver Myr

You might wanna put some Sovereigns of Lost Alara in there. I got 3 works wonders.If you wanna do a more Bruna focused deck you might wanna add :Totem-Guide Hartebeest

January 1, 2013 8:45 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #18

I feel like she's more of an EDH/Modern contender. Though it would be interesting to make a standard build with her.

January 2, 2013 7:20 p.m.

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