Viable or Jank?

Standard forum

Posted on Oct. 12, 2014, 11:51 p.m. by tman007

Restock + See the Unwritten

If you have too many threats in one See, you can get some back with Restock. Is this possibly worth it or completely a waste of mana?

Goody says... #2

Mostly a waste of mana. If you're running powerful creatures and See the Unwritten , you shouldn't have a huge threat density anyway because the rest of your deck will need to support the higher end stuff. If you rip 4 expensive threats in your top 8 it should be the exception, not the rule. Don't use card slots planning only for specific exceptions. Not to mention, See the Unwritten isn't amazing in constructed because of its cost, so spending a turn to sort of just get it back isn't ideal.

Now I could see Restock seeing play in a GB control type deck, since it wouldn't have a lot of card draw. Instead of casting Jace's Ingenuity to draw 3, you're casting Restock to pick your best two spells or creatures in the bin. Sorcery speed makes it pretty bad though, 5 is a lot of mana.

October 13, 2014 12:46 a.m.

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