Voice of Resurgence

Standard forum

Posted on April 13, 2013, 12:30 p.m. by NobodyPicksBulbasaur

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Ok, so it's obvious that this card is good. And it's obvious that it's good against UWR Flash and Control decks.

My question is what decks is it good IN? Populate would be the easiest way to exploit the token, but is generally not a very competitive ability. Is this thing only good in token builds? Will it spawn a whole new decktype?

Or is it just a bad piece of cardboard? Discuss.

MrJakobs says... #2

I think this card has its spot against the flash decks, and the blue based control decks that like playing on your turn, but other than that i dont see this card doing anything.

In creature based match ups, this guy is a bear which is harder to cast(bears are usually 1 colorless and one colored) And replaces himself with a token when he dies, which can be good, but his tokens are fully dependent on the current board state. The token/s will either help you snowball a game, or just end up as little duds.

Cards like Wayfaring Temple that have power and toughness similar to his tokens, dont really see play right now. I see his future as a sideboard against flash decks, or in kitchen table token decks. I could very well be wrong, but with what i have seen of the metegame, i dont think he has a strong spot in it.

April 13, 2013 12:50 p.m.

AstroFalcon751 says... #3

Art looks nice though

April 13, 2013 1:07 p.m.

Slycne says... #4

Well currently the 2 drop slot in Naya Midrange is a little lackluster, with most simply hoping to accelerate to 3 mana. So it might have a home there. MrJakobs, remember that with Kessig Wolf Run around right now all that's really important is the survivability. Leaving a threat on the board is still a big deal regardless of the size.

Alternatively, it could spawn some kind of Naya Zoo, play all the best creatures, deck. Load up on all the 2-1 creatures like this card, Thragtusk , Boros Reckoner , ect.

April 13, 2013 1:11 p.m.

this card is good in any GW-X deck, in any format other than Vintage

April 13, 2013 1:35 p.m.

SpammyV says... #6

I don't really keep up with Standard that much, but the more that I think about this card, I don't see it as the ultimate hose of control any more. You'll hold off the counterspells for a turn, but on their next turn they can use one of the many creature kill options to get rid of it, and the token doesn't have the ability to stand up against massed removal like the Thragtusk token does. I think it'll see some play but I'm not sure it's going to break the format or anything.

April 13, 2013 5:01 p.m.

lockiew says... #7

I just use it as another creature that is hard to kill in my Junk never dies (NOT REANIMATOR), where it fits very nicely. I think it has application in any GWX deck just because it is hard to kill and when decks specifically adapt to kill it, decks have weaknesses to other decks so, I will be a problem for many a deck, even against Junk Reanimator as they love end of turn Grisly Salvage

April 13, 2013 5:25 p.m.

This card is the new Tarmogoyf yeah i just said that deal with it, it is that good

April 13, 2013 5:26 p.m.

8vomit says... #9

yeah I think its a pretty sweet card, lots of possible combos. People will get play sets of them, naya tokens, it will be meshuggah.

April 13, 2013 11:29 p.m.

don't be so short sided, this thing will be in EVERY format

April 15, 2013 4:47 p.m.

MrJakobs says... #11

Calling this card the new Tarmogoyf is a bit strange. Unless you are referring to a two mana creature that has a powerful ability. But even in that respect that is a bit of a stretch. What is not being taken into account here that the he only does something when your opponent lets you. Tarmogoyf as it was compared to is great because in Legacy and modern there are lots of easy ways for you to fill your graveyard and make him at least 2/3-3/4 by turn two. Also he is not dependent on your opponent, but he can benefit from him/her. Voice of Resurgence on the other hand will always be a 2/2 when dropped on turn two, giving it less potential power than Tarmogoyf and no matter what you try to do outside of killing your own guy, his ability can only be triggered by your opponent. I hope this helps to explain a bit better the large down side of this card. It is still a powerful card, and i hope it does see play, but this will not be a format breaker, and because it is so opponent dependent, i highly doubt this will see play outside of its standard rotation.

April 15, 2013 11:34 p.m.

well the thing i see it is that Voice of Resurgence if it resolves, is going to be killed so you net 2 creatures. When it dies and when they cast the removal spell. and if they don't you just keep netting creatures. I am picking up as many copies of this card as I can

April 16, 2013 10:47 a.m.

I feel like its strength is that it replaces itself during normal gameplay while hindering a couple decktypes.

Your opponent will know how to play around it, just like Boros Reckoner . And just like Reckoner, it will be really hard to play around it profitably.

April 16, 2013 11:03 a.m.

I am talking now standard mostly, this guy is a force protector if you ask me, because your opponent either A. counters it. B. Kills it as soon as it hits, and it will replace it self, or C allows you to gain immense board position

April 16, 2013 11:06 a.m.

vila_a23 says... #15

Guys, gw aggro is coming back. Advent of the Wurm and Voice of Resurgence all fit perfectly into the arhcetype.

April 16, 2013 11:10 a.m.

IanGrainger says... #16

The synergy of this plus Wayfaring Temple is pretty nice IMO! A populate deck seems pretty fun to play, like the Elvish Promenade decks (though it won't always win!).

April 18, 2013 5:05 a.m.

Voice of Resurgence + Wayfaring Temple + Crusader of Odric and a shit ton of token spawners, Lingering Souls Maybe splash Red so you can use the Legion's Initiative To avoid Board wipes

April 18, 2013 7:53 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #18

if this card said, when this creature leaves the battlefield instead of dies, it would be ridiculous in a flicker deck, alas no. Still pretty bloomin good.

April 18, 2013 8:33 a.m.

seevers35 says... #19

I am not a great magic player and still have a lot to learn about the game, but this card seems like it will be really good. The card doesn't die and this creates card advantage. Think of Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Thragtusk . Voice of Resurgence may not be that good, but the basic idea is the same. If it became a $15 card and/or a standard constructed tier one deck was built around it, I would not be surprised.

April 18, 2013 10:24 a.m.

IanGrainger says... #20

@Pyrokineticrage I'd forgot Crusader of Odric - Like it :)

April 18, 2013 10:49 a.m.

Just gonna say this, Voice of Resurgence is the only mythic from this set that I will be happy to pull at that rarity, maybe blood baron, but only because it is a limited powerbomb

April 18, 2013 10:54 a.m.

Slayne says... #22

I have one thing to say.

Pillar of Flame

April 21, 2013 4:34 p.m.

I have one thing to say, everything has an answer.

April 21, 2013 5:10 p.m.

Yeah but Pillar of Flame is already strong in a lot of Standard matchups. They gave it one more card to hose, which is a good thing. Keeping broken cards in check creates game balance.

April 21, 2013 5:32 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #25

this and blood baron are my two favorite cards from the set. And trust me, blood baron is much more powerful than just a limited bomb. Pro White and Black, lifelink for 5 mana is good as it is. Throw on a +6/+6 flying bonus when you have over 30 life? You now have a 10/10 flying lifelink, pro white, pro black for 5 cmc. He'll find a home in a standard deck. His casting cost isn't prohibitive like you would expect it to be. I like him over a lot of other cards for that 5 slot.

But back on topic. Voice of resurgence is probably the best card from the set. I don't know if its legacy worthy, but I could see it finding a home somewhere in a modern deck and certainly standard will enjoy it. Projection > $20 a card by rotation.

April 22, 2013 10:32 a.m.

Rayenous says... #26

Will this card see play? Let's look through the checklist.

  • Fair/Good size for CMC - 2/2 for 2CMC.... check!

  • Card or board advantage - Usually 2 (or more) for 1 card (i.e. you get 2+ creatures for one card from hand).... check!

  • Utility - Ability that is very detrimental to 1 or more deck types (thus at very least a great sideboard).... check!

  • Additional Utility - Ability has synergy with Guild Mechanic (Selesnya Tokens - Populate).... check!

Then Let's analyze possible/probable downfalls.

  • Exile removal makes it a mere 2/2 for 2... and that's only the case if the removal is not instant speed on your turn. Plus opponent used a removal on a 2/2. I've seen worse downfalls. Plus if you have a sac outlet, Exile removal still allows you to get the additional creature.


  • This card deserves it's Mythic status

  • This card is very likely to see see play.

April 22, 2013 11:13 a.m.

Nice breakdown. It has a ton of potential. I intend to use it whether or not anyone else picks it up. My current standard deck is still running Duskmantle Seer , who I still believe is underappreciated.

April 22, 2013 3:38 p.m.

hickit says... #28

Out of a set that seems lackluster it is ok. Junk Rites will hammer it with Craterhoof. Esper will just kill it with O-ring or detention sphere it. You can play that turn 2. Pillar will just come back again. Making your thing exiled with 2 2/2 on the field. Then Naya Blitz will attack with 3 3/3 and you will chump. This card is not even comparable to Turmagoyf. Turmagoyf is format warping. Mono Blue control could splash green for a two drop win condition. No control will splash for this. It is not that good. Aristocrats will kill it with falkenrath and rekoner. Thing is close to useless.

April 23, 2013 1:33 a.m.

zandl says... #29

This card just makes Supreme Verdict an even better card in control decks. All your opponent will have left over is a lowly 1/1 that requires your opponent to play whatever is left to be useful.

I think people will try to play this card, but like Lotleth Troll , people will hype it up for the wrong reasons and it'll fall into obscurity.

April 23, 2013 1:41 a.m.

@zandl but wouldn't you want to be playing a new creature anyways most of the time? I'd say that having a 2/2 that can attack is strictly better than just having a new creature on the field. And don't forget about Rancor in the format. Swinging for 3 after a wipe is never a bad thing.

Even having a 1/1 the next turn is strictly better than having nothing.

April 23, 2013 2:06 a.m.

zandl says... #31

Right. .... But Strangleroot Geist does that better.

April 23, 2013 2:07 a.m.

In a lot of cases, yeah. But the Geist only comes back when it dies. VoR can replace itself under other conditions as well. It hoses anything at instant speed, not just board wipes.

April 23, 2013 2:11 a.m.

zandl says... #33

I wouldn't go so far as to say it "hoses board wipes". Losing an army and only having a 1/1 afterward isn't "hosing". Rootborn Defenses hoses board wipes.

April 23, 2013 2:13 a.m.

Rayenous says... #34

It's true that Strangleroot Geist remains also leaves a creature on the board after a wipe. But I don't see this as a replacement for the Geist; rather an option to be run with the Geist.

A wipe would mean a 3/2 haste, as well as a 2/2 that will get bigger.

In reference to Rootborn Defenses ... what better cards to mix with populate than a token generator? - Combining all of these together would not just hose a wipe, but rather hose a deck that uses wipes.

April 23, 2013 8:18 a.m.

This discussion has been closed