Vraska the Unseen deck help

Standard forum

Posted on July 1, 2013, 1:30 p.m. by brownkidd

I've recently obtained a foil Vraska the Unseen and just ordered another one. I'm trying to devise a way to make her viable for competitive FNM. All I really know is that I'm putting her in a Jund deck with lots of removal, but I'm unsure as to whether I should go with either the control route, or or mix up some bloodrush & scavenge creatures to pump up her Assassin tokens.

Random ideas:

Golgari Decoy + Deadly Allure or Wasteland Viper .

Armed / Dangerous on something with deathtouch.

Domri Rade 's Fight ability with big dudes like Desecration Demon and Rakdos, Lord of Riots who can later be scavenged with Varolz, the Scar-Striped to pump up the assassin tokens if need be.

Standard removal such as Dreadbore , Abrupt Decay , and possibly Mizzium Mortars .

The Blood half of Flesh / Blood to deal direct damage with Assassin tokens.

Golgari Charm to regenerate my creatures and stall the game or regenerate the Assassin tokens.

Against control matchups I could bring in stuff like Rakdos's Return , Sire Of Insanity , and Slaughter Games .

The main issue I'm having is how painfully long it takes to get Vraska on the board let alone get the assassin tokens out. Not sure if I should pack spells that can stall, or try to mana ramp into her. Any ideas?

TurboFagoot says... #2

Having the Assassin tokens deal direct damage with Blood won't win you the game, FYI.

July 1, 2013 2:07 p.m.

Illihatza says... #3

Mana Ramp?

July 1, 2013 2:15 p.m.

Illihatza says... #4

Sorry, didn't read it all the way

July 1, 2013 2:16 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #5

You can make a turbofog deck that runs Rogue's Passage that wins through Vraksa ulti.

July 1, 2013 2:33 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #6

lol i have a deck built around vraska. Not the best and it's modern, but have a look at it, maybe it'll give u some ideas. (BTW it's by no means the best deck) Vraska, The Unseen

July 1, 2013 3:54 p.m.

brownkidd says... #7

TurboFagoot Crap! You're right. For some reason I always think the Assassin tokens just have to land ANY damage when it's really combat damage. Still might leave Flesh / Blood in there for Desecration Demon and Rakdos, Lord of Riots , or at least as a sideboard option versus Armed / Dangerous against more creature heavy decks. I'm also considering Predator Ooze for its indestructibility, but the mana cost is pretty greedy with the green.

July 1, 2013 4:24 p.m.

brownkidd says... #8

I just realized Master of Cruelties combos well with the Dangerous end of Armed / Dangerous while you hold your other guys back to protect Vraska.

July 1, 2013 4:30 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #9

July 1, 2013 5:11 p.m.

brownkidd says... #10

Quick deck list I whipped together. Let me know what you think.

Everything Dies

July 1, 2013 5:13 p.m.

Morokai says... #11

Gruul Charm can help punch tokens through or deal with lingering souls and other smaller flyers. it can even save you from your own tokens if someone decides to try a Zealous Conscripts on you.

July 1, 2013 5:28 p.m.

Morokai says... #12

also, you could try Possibility Storm lockout. Use Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded to grab your Vraska as an alternate win con.

July 1, 2013 5:31 p.m.

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