Wanting to make a tri colored Boros/Rakdos deck
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2013, 1:41 a.m. by Gathen
Would like some help on this lol. Not sure if it would be a good combination. Haven't made a tri colored deck before and would like to. I would use this only in FNM. Pulled an Aurelia the warleader from the guild box today, would like that in the deck with the M13 Chandra and M13 Liliana. For spells I would like red to focus on direct damage/opponent card takeover for a turn. Black to focus on killing creatures/weakening them. White spells to destory enchantments/artifacts or boosting creatures. I have a good collection of cards going on here so any suggestion would be okay but may need slight changes due for the fact that I might not have said card. Oh also I want it to be 60 max. Would this be too complicated or wouldn't work at all?
The Doctor says... #3
In my opinion, it would be best to have a heavy Boros focus, with a splash of black for some removal.
January 28, 2013 1:55 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
It really depends on what he wants to do, though. If the idea is to go all-out aggro, then a Rakdos lean might be more beneficial simply because of the Rakdos aggro cards currently being used in RDW.
January 28, 2013 2:47 a.m.
I think an aggro deck that has alot of humans from boros and Falkenrath Aristocrat from rakdos by itself could be a scary combination. There's a ton of ways to do a deck like this. Say for example a boros deck that swarms the field with a ton of creatures to proc battalion and splashing black for Blood Artist and Killing Wave .
January 28, 2013 2:55 a.m.
Now I'd have to say Epoch standard is about to see almost 250 cards added to it, as such it's going to shift a tad. A part of that shift opens a dark realm of black based control and ramp for liliana as she allows the black mage to splash whatever color they want and still fill a killspell slot (she's also in the best color to defend her against creatures so tapping 4 lands into a revelation for 4 could be possible, or 2 land for a rakdos return for 3).
Now I will admit to being lured by one of a mtg troll's favorite phrases "(card x) isn't really good (or is bad) in (specified format)." but I will do my best to help without forcing my personal opinions on certain cards (though I entirely agree on chandra having no hope in competitive formats based on creatures and not huge spells and counter wars).
Now, for the helpful to this thread part of this comment! To start off based on your opening I'll have to assume you possess a good collection, as such you have shock lands, specifically all the ones that are swamps. I propose you add green to the deck and make a deck that's mainly black (a little over 1/3 the tappedout color pie) and is also somewhat heavy green (a little less than 1/3 the color pie), the last 1/3 can fit your red and white spells, I would also suggest that it has no less than 24 land.
The goal of this proposed deck will spend it's early game ramping with Farseek and Chromatic Lantern then midgame you'll play your chandra's and liliana's along with various 3-5 costing "value" making creatures (like huntmaster, Thragtusk and possibly Restoration Angel ). Those creatures will allow your boros guild leader to hit the board with power. Then you fill holes with various black based kill spells.
That deck maybe the best I can come up with that will allow you to run all 3 of your proposed cards, it is possible you could cut green and make up for it with keyrunes, but Farseek is simply too powerful for the curve you appear to desire ( a turn 2 to 4 mana on turn 3 dropping a planeswalker) and keyrunes can only give a turn 3-5 ramp (though that could also be good with liliana... and it would be funny to use lili's - ability to pump a Boros Keyrune for 5).
January 28, 2013 4:03 a.m.
In any event a midrange deck would be the most effective for your 3 cards, m13 liliana wants a deck that can fetch any of it's colors with her +1 ability and can buy you time to etch out advantage that she makes in the end game, chandra wants big instants/sorceries to copy (card:Sorin's Vengeance was being cast the last time chandra was used in a competitive deck), and aurelia prefers to be leading an army when she comes in. An aggro deck doesn't want to bother with planeswalkers' advantage giving (they want to either have won or play Hellrider before the advantage is relevant) and probably couldn't muster the mana for the angel quick enough. A control deck would enjoy the planeswalker's advantage, but the warleader would normally end up flying solo. That leaves a midrangie deck.
This mini article was too big for one comment...
January 28, 2013 4:03 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #8
Faithless Looting and Unburial Rites or alternatively Immortal Servitude could be the basis for a strong creature heavy R/W/B deck.
January 28, 2013 10:41 a.m.
I had so much written out for a response but then I accidently logged myself out =(. I don't have much time to put something together on weekdays due to work but I'm going to try my best to throw something together before FNM. If I get to it tomorrow I'll post what mana I have and what spells that I could use and what I can possibly use.
Thanks for the responces! Suprised that it was so quick lol.
January 28, 2013 10:57 p.m.
anotherbomb says... #10
Im working on a midrange brew using geralf's, resto angel, lingering souls, blood artist, killing wave, mutilate and aristocrat. Not sure how good it will be but it sounds like fun to me...
Epochalyptik says... #2
Chandra, the Firebrand and Liliana of the Dark Realms aren't really good in Standard. I'd only play them in lower- and mid-level EDH decks.
You haven't really told us what the overall premise of the deck is. The goals you listed for each color aren't really specific - they're pretty much just what those colors are already good at. Do you want a tempo deck (which will be hard to achieve without green), a control deck, an aggro deck (which won't really work out because of the cards you want to include) or something else?
January 28, 2013 1:53 a.m.