What are the weaknesses of Esper Dragons?

Standard forum

Posted on June 24, 2015, 8:49 p.m. by noobplayer17

I want to know what are the decks bad matchups and what kind of cards work best against it.

This version plays both versions of silumgar.

It's weaknesses:


Mono-Red Aggro = it's just faster than esper dragons can manage, Atarka Red = same as mono-red aggro except it has other advantages, and Abzan Aggro = Because all of its threats are able to win on their own and harder to deal with plus it has discard spells.

*(I'm sure there are some off the wall aggro decks that can put up a fight but it varies)

The Mirror Match:

Depending upon which deck is prepared for the mirror the best, will usually have better chances against it.


Mardu dragons = simply because it holds the best removal all in one deck. (ie Crackling Doom, Foul-Tongue Invocation, maybe some number of Hero's Downfall, Crux of Fate probably from the board) And this deck just runs some good impact creatures. Thunderbreak Regent has a plus against Esper dragons because against its spot removal, it still has upside. Stormbreath Dragon and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury can attack the turn they come out, Goblin Rabblemaster because, well it's Goblin Rabblemaster. And some burn spells such as Stoke the Flames to hit their dome. Even the Doom hits them for damage. Plus Outpost Siege is a problem card for Esper dragons to deal with. Also, you get discard spells.

Decks that can go wide using: A) token makers, Collected Company, Mastery of the Unseen, etc... Pumping out multiple threats keeps there spot removal very weak.

There's my thoughts on that.

June 24, 2015 9:35 p.m.

GeeksterPlays says... #3

Mono-red and red/green aggro are the toughest, and are the only decks that I have had a very poor win/lose ratio to last few weeks. As the control player, you're basically just hoping that they get a bad opening hand and mulligan down to 5 to give you more time / less early threats to deal with, which is not a good way to need a game to start!

Anything that can come down early and keep making more threats for cheap/free is a problem; Monastery Mentor, Mastery of the Unseen, Goblin Rabblemaster for example. Can be played too early to be countered, and can usually create at least a couple of threats before it's dealth with.

Bad matchups vs. Esper Dragons is anything slow to build up. Midrange often gets screwed; by the time you have the 4-6 mana up for your proper "threats" the control players' hand is usually set to ensure you're not getting any of them. Red and Green in particular have very little that is effective because of the 3 different colours of removal in the control deck; Mistcutter Hydra might make it to the field, but will likely still die before getting a hit in. Genesis Hydra can be useful, as even if it is countered it's effect still happens, so you get something else cheated into play that then has to be dealt with as well.

June 25, 2015 5:21 a.m.

Neko069 says... #4

June 29, 2015 9:34 a.m.

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