What are you running for the first standard fnm of khans?
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2014, 10:36 a.m. by magic_monicle
I'm thinking of running naya midrange. It's basically red green monsters splashing white for banishing light and elspeth. With domri leaving I had some holes to fill but I added in genesis hydra and some other goodies to keep the beat down coming. It's been play testing well so I'm interested to see how it fairs.
What about you guys?
Sultai Control. Not finished yet, so running some filler stuff whilst I acquire the remaining cards.
September 25, 2014 10:50 a.m.
Nigeltastic says... #4
Once I open my box/ order cards I'll be playing
Naga Sleeperhold Playtest
SCORE: 9 | 13 COMMENTS | 715 VIEWSSeptember 25, 2014 10:52 a.m.
mathimus55 says... #5
I've got a box and a few preorders coming in to finish off temur monsters(See the Unwritten , calling it now) and Mardu midrange. I won't be able to play this weekend so I can judge the opening weekend of standard and go from there.
September 25, 2014 10:52 a.m.
My Temur Rampy Stampy! deck which I already have all the cards to (well what I didn't pull/trade for is ready for pickup at my local store). The deck is just a variation of my Simic deck with red added to make up for the loss of Kalonian Hydra , Garruk, Caller of Beasts , and Prime Speaker Zegana .
September 25, 2014 11:05 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #7
Probably nothing, because I haven't finished A Lone Abzan Mage Walks Into a Bar...
September 25, 2014 11:15 a.m.
OP_Magikarp says... #8
I'm running a mono devotion to green aggro deck (Devotion to green MEGA HYDRAS) since it will be very fast compared to the slower tri-colored additions. Although I'm currently working on a Jeskai aggro/burn deck that will be my new main and is looking VERY promising.
September 25, 2014 11:19 a.m.
BlueEyesRedMage says... #9
Mono Black Aggro :D Because a brand new three colour format makes me want to run ONE whole colour of mana, only run basics and turn lots of really cheap dudes sideways :D
Have you SEEN Bloodsoaked Champion ???!! This guy is insane D:
September 25, 2014 11:37 a.m.
I can't decide between Mono-red aggro, B/W control, B/W midrange, or Mardu Tokens. Too many good things to do :(
September 25, 2014 11:38 a.m.
weisemanjohn says... #11
the key word is temur Playtest
SCORE: 4 | 6 COMMENTS | 746 VIEWSTwo Wooded Foothills left until completion and there is a chance I open them in my box or just trade fodder rares from the box for them.
September 25, 2014 11:38 a.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #12
My preorders have already shipped, so I'll be running my new Jeskai Aggro deck:
Jeskai Deck Wins Playtest
SCORE: 8 | 15 COMMENTS | 1531 VIEWSI've spent a good amount of time testing this deck and I think it has loads of potential. It has plenty of fast creatures backed up by an impressive burn suite.
After running this for a few weeks I'll go back to my Grixis Superfriends deck, Walker, Grixis Ranger, although it still needs to be prepared for post-rotation play. I can't play the same deck at FNM for more than a month, lol.
September 25, 2014 12:27 p.m.
I need a bunch of stuff for my junk midrange from khans so a poopier version of what I want lol
September 25, 2014 12:58 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #14
I'm running boom engine, the deck is really fun and pretty fast to boot
September 25, 2014 1:15 p.m.
My old simic krakens deck, but updated (and significantly better) in a temur shell. I don't expect to win, but it sure will be fun.
Digging for Krakens *Post-Khans* Playtest
SCORE: 7 | 6 COMMENTS | 1362 VIEWSSeptember 25, 2014 1:41 p.m.
He_Who_Seizes_Thoughtseize says... #17
September 25, 2014 1:46 p.m.
Eventually I'll reduce the 1-ofs as I find out what's most effective but I'm going back to Rakdos midrange after a long layoff. I think the deck is better w/o Desecration Demon and Underworld Connections . Those cards always seemed necessary but were so clunky. I love the lifegain lands for a deck that does a lot of dmg to you.
Khans of Rakdos Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 40 VIEWSSeptember 25, 2014 2:16 p.m.
selesvyaloverer8 says... #19
I will be running
Mono-White Iroas Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 85 VIEWSin hopes to steamroller three color decks as they take damage off of all their lands and try to get their feet under them.
September 25, 2014 2:51 p.m.
I'm running a Temur Monsters/Midrange deck,
The Fatty Frontier (Temur Midrange) Playtest
SCORE: 11 | 17 COMMENTS | 2191 VIEWS. I already have most of the cards, or are getting them from recent trades on here, except for the Wooded Foothills , those i probably wont get all 4 of them for a little while.
September 25, 2014 5:08 p.m.
ancientgorillashaman says... #21
Really fast Dimir centered on Ashiok and Thoughtseize.
September 25, 2014 8:07 p.m.
Temur Midrange Showcasing Anger of the gods and a shit ton of cry. On the slower end but i don't expect anyone faster to be able to deal with anger of the gods.
September 25, 2014 8:44 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #24
Playing something different than I normally would, but seems to be a popular choice amongst others. Temur Monsters!
Rawr RUG Monsters! Playtest
The_Raven says... #2
Boros heroic. Because..... I don't have the money to make a new deck.... :D
If I had the money, I would definitely go with Temur Mid-Range Monsters! Something with Surrak Dragonclaw , Rattleclaw Mystic and Savage Knuckleblade ! And an Elvish Mystic ! ;D
September 25, 2014 10:44 a.m.