what colours look the strongest post theros/m15

Standard forum

Posted on May 20, 2015, 12:30 a.m. by corpse_machine

if origins supports it id like to build a competitive red deck wins and something for midrange. what are your guys thoughts on what standard will look like after theros and m15 are gone.

Zeondragon says... #2

White blue. Most definitely from what I've seen. Or else I'd say Red Green

May 20, 2015 12:38 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #3

There is going to be 1,386 card difference in the Standard card pool from now till when actually rotation happens.

May 20, 2015 2:30 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #4

I'd say it's going to be some combination of White, Blue, Black, Red, and / or Green. Yeah. Definitely.

May 20, 2015 2:35 a.m.

showda says... #5

Honestly, if you want to play RDW, you really don't have much to worry about. Red nearly always gets enough to work into a decently competitive deck in standard.

May 20, 2015 2:51 a.m.

I have a feeling that R&D finally got the formula for standard correct and continue to leave the format wide open.

May 20, 2015 2:55 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #7

it is way too early to call. Too much is going to happen come rotation. looking at just the Tarkir cards will not give an accurate representation of what is to come.

May 20, 2015 9:48 a.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #8

Unless almost all fixing disappears, I assume that Abzan will stay quite strong. Other than that, way too early to tell.

May 20, 2015 11:32 a.m.

ohmless says... #9

based just on the current cards, would venture UW and abzan will be well positioned. I love BR but doubt it will do well without thoughtseize and stormbreath dragon.

May 21, 2015 12:23 a.m.

kengiczar says... #10

Abzan. Because of that damned Siege Rhino. Also powerful but slow cards will be good as long as it's just origins that's out. I mean look at how once the block prior to Theros was completely gone slow decks like Doomwake Giant became prevelant. Slow decks just aren't as good when there are 7 sets available to choose quick, powerful cheap cards from.

So with that said, Esper Dragons actually loses very little. The wort thing I can see happening to that deck is we'll have to use Cancel instead of Dissolve, oh and we lose Bile Blight which sucks but is manageable. Losing Scrylands won't matter much if we get either check lands or even better, filters. Also a reprint of Remove Soul would mean that you don't even need to play dragons, you can use whatever new finishers seem applicable to Esper control.

I am anticipating artifacts to play a slightly bigger role but not enough to make a full blown artifact deck. Notice how none of our current artifacts are really usefull or worth putting in a deck? Vial of Dragonfire is approximately 80x worse than any of the commons from Scars of Mirrodin, which incidentally offered utility besides "Pay , deal 2 damage".

Also +1/+1 counters are actually pretty darned strong right now. The lists that do the best for plus counters don't even need Fleecemane Lion, it's just a nice thing to have VS board wipes. I think this is a safe deck to take to the first standard tournaments once rotation happens while you see what the next big brew is.

May 21, 2015 8:02 a.m.

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