What decks will be good?

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 28, 2013, 8:51 p.m. by 2austin5

With gatecrash out and about, what decks will be good now? Which cards will have the most impact on the format and why will they make said deck competitive? Let the discussion begin!

cartwheelnurd says... #2

Esper control, Naya aggro, Jund midrange, Boros Aggro, RDW, Junk and Bant Lifegain, Bant auras, RWU MIdrange, JUnk and 4c Reanimator and much more.

January 28, 2013 9:13 p.m.

vila_a23 says... #3

Look out for Mono red aggro and Boros aggro decks, they are going to be nasty. Boros Reckoner is a brutal addition to both of those decks as well as Skullcrack and Boros Charm . I especially like that it has access to Five-Alarm Fire (similar to Shrine of Burning Rage ) and i love the interactions between Archwing Dragon and Five-Alarm Fire against control decks. Speaking of control decks, Esper is going to be powerful. Two archetypes of esper I think are going to be the dominant are the creature based esper revolving around Obzedat, Ghost Council as their win condition, and the more planeswalker based deck that can now successfully play Liliana of the Veil again. Blind Obedience is a very nice card for control against creature heavy aggro decks. I am interested to see how Prime Speaker Zegana will effect the meta. With non-white decks having access to card:Sphinx's Revelation should open up the field to some new archetypes in BUG and RUG.

January 28, 2013 9:14 p.m.

2austin5 says... #4

How do you guys think the 2 new planes walkers will affect the game?

January 28, 2013 9:17 p.m.

cartwheelnurd says... #5

Gideon is bad. If he works out well with the esper board wipe decks, he will be played, but nowhere else. He just doesn;t do anything on his own. Domri might create Zoo decks, in naya and RUG we definitely have some wonderful creatures, and a 30 creature deck might just be possible.

January 28, 2013 9:19 p.m.

Demarge says... #6

Gideon should probably be seen as a 4 mana creature that is difficult to kill and can get bigger the turns a control deck has obvious kill spells.

January 28, 2013 10:46 p.m.

vila_a23 says... #7

Patrick Chapin believes that Gideon will see play. He looked at him as a stubborn creature insted of a planeswalker and that is exactly what a super friends deck needs, a big threat. With so many creatures, gideon will actually threaten to blow up the world fairly often and that will win games so your opponent will actually have to attack him some. I like Rade as a 3 of in the zoo decks and such but he does remind me of the m13 ajani, sweet effects that should effect the game but aren't very good at it.

January 29, 2013 7:38 a.m.

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