What do u want to see in Khans?
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 4, 2014, 10:42 p.m. by APPLE01DOJ
I'd love to see some cheap removal. Doom Blade or something of that nature... I was surprised at how little was in M15 :/
I want to see a good balance between the clans. The format's shaping up to be slow, so I'm excited for more midrange-y decks. There's already premium removal in the 3-4 slot (from Theros and what's spoiled out of Khans) and the wrath is at 5. I like it much better since aggro has slower answers.
September 4, 2014 10:53 p.m.
miracleHat says... #4
@APPLE01DOJ, to be fair Ulcerate was in m15. In a slower format, that should be a good removal since the life loss won't be as devastating.
September 4, 2014 10:57 p.m.
Some playable delve cards. I think it is a very neat mechanic that lacks playable cards, Fingers Crossed.
September 4, 2014 10:57 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #6
miracleHat I run Ulcerate in my MBA deck and have been quite fond of it, favoring it over Bile Blight . However I really want some 2 drop removal. Were loosing Abrupt Decay Ultimate Price Doom Blade Dreadbore Devour Flesh Quag Sickness ...in their ashes is Hero's Downfall Asphyxiate Ulcerate Pharika's Cure Dark Betrayal Eye Gouge Feast of Dreams Flesh to Dust Bile Blight aka almost nothing playable beyond the SB
September 4, 2014 11:19 p.m.
BorosPlayer says... #7
I am pretty much thinking what Spootyone is thinking. It's been three days since Anafenza was spoiled and since then, three other mythics have been spoiled, but still no Surrak.
September 4, 2014 11:51 p.m.
Every day that passes without them revealing it just makes me feel more jaded about the whole thing. Had it been 3 days ago, I'd have been super hyped. 2 days ago? super hyped. Yesterday? It would've felt like a relief. Today? "fucking finally." Any time after today? Don't even like magic anymore.
September 4, 2014 11:54 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #9
September 5, 2014 12:34 a.m.
WovenNebula says... #10
I would say Memnite to go along side my doom engine.
September 5, 2014 12:51 a.m.
BlueEyesRedMage says... #11
I'm hoping for some solid, midrange Abzan creatures (that don't necessarily care about +1/+1 counters) with humongous toughness for my Doran, the Siege Tower Commander deck :D
Failing that, an actual card for the Orc captain of the captured Orphans that is mentioned a few times in Abzan's section of the Planeswalker's Guide to Tarkir...he sounds insanely badass.
September 5, 2014 1:23 a.m.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the charms.
September 5, 2014 1:23 a.m.
BlueEyesRedMage says... #13
Gvar Bazeel, Captain of the Krumar.
Basically, the Abzan wipe out other clans, take their orphans and raise them in Abzan society as powerful soldiers. This guys is not only the most respected an prominent of these guys, the Krumar, but he wields a weapon that is NAMED called "The Axe of Ancients". He even believes his destiny is to meet Zurgo on the field of battle one day!
This guys needs a card so bad D:
September 5, 2014 1:27 a.m.
Lol Spootyone... I love how u ranked your "wanting to see delve" scale. Lmao
Spootyone says... #2
I just want them to get Surrak out of the way right now. It's beginning to piss me off.
September 4, 2014 10:51 p.m.