What do you think about Battlefield thaumaturge?

Standard forum

Posted on May 10, 2014, 7:17 p.m. by MTGJustice

I think Battlefield Thaumaturge could be excellent in standard Izzet with cards like Hour of Need , Curse of the Swine , Flames of the Firebrand , and Frost Breath . What do you guys think? Can you think of any other good Izzet cards to combo it with?

Matsi883 says... #2

The Event Deck features him. The deck is fragile, but could work.

May 10, 2014 8:15 p.m.

amishrambo says... #3

he can make Aurelia's Fury hit for a shit-ton also Harness by Force and Polymorphous Rush and Twinflame

May 10, 2014 8:28 p.m.

maxon says... #4

Gridlock . not that great on its own, but with that guy out you could tap every non land thing on the board for 1 mana.

May 10, 2014 9:13 p.m.

golffore297 says... #5

Launch the Fleet and Glimpse the Sun God both would work fun with him. I've seen some people at my store using him in Azorius aggro to create some shenanigans. I think he can be very good in the right build, but he has a home in a couple different places.

May 10, 2014 10:05 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #6

I mean you have to be running a combo deck for that card to be good, and none of those will really win you the game. You want your combos to basically kill the opponent or generate overwhelming card advantage, not just do random things like tap them with Aurelia's Fury or make 4/4 Sphinx's that die to Supreme Verdict just as good as anything else. Also those cards are average at best without the dude out, so your deck only works if you draw it and your opponent doesn't have a Doom Blade .

May 10, 2014 10:20 p.m.

golffore297 says... #7

You can't really use the whole "dies to Doom Blade " argument. Removal has been a thing for as long Magic has been around. Supreme Verdict is kinda on a downswing, and with it rotation out of standard soon, and there only being one unpopular board wipe left....it's hard to say. Maybe he doesn't create automatic win conditions, but he still helps with a lot of cool and interactive things.

May 10, 2014 10:54 p.m.

amishrambo says... #8

hes like Goblin Electromancer not the OP linchpin but a dependable and fun cog to put in decks

May 10, 2014 10:58 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #9

Oh look another dies to doomblade comment. So over those comments.

I'd l like to point out when you target him he gains mother fucking hexproof. Screw doomblade. >_>

Also, you know a card he synergises well with: Ajani's Presence Oh look, indestructible.

He is not a combo deck, he is synergy. He makes things cheaper, nothing more.

Guess what though, he doesn't just make strive cheaper. What's that, Lightning Strike is now Lightning Bolt . Curse of the Swine is now exile target athreos and the entire enemy field into pigs for 2 mana.

Also Aurelia's Fury does more than tap, it burns as well. Plus tapping isn't a bad thing, it lets all your guys get in.

Yes Supreme Verdict kills EVERYTHING that cannot regenerate or gain indestructibility, but guess what, that doesn't make the card bad. Remember Launch the Fleet turns all your heroic guys into Brimaz for a turn for 1 mana! If your opponent is even half decent at Magic they should be able to out aggro control easy enough.

/end rant

Sorry, just really sick of "creature is bad, dies to this".

Oh yeah, he also makes Doomblade cost 1 mana... just saying

May 11, 2014 12:17 a.m.

Jacques says... #10

I actually made an Esper deck featuring him. I don't want to advertise but the deck description gives a list of things he can do that give you an advantage.

You can see The Thaumusketeers perform miracles to win you the game.

May 11, 2014 12:43 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #11

I'm with you Ultimaodin. I'm over the "dies to (insert removal here)" arguments.

And I completely agree that Battlefield Thaumaturge is not in and of himself a wincon but he sure as hell can enable the ones you run.

May 11, 2014 1:19 a.m.

Jojja says... #12

I have been testing him in different Azorius and Izzet aggro decks and I think he has a place in both. Running beat-down with lots of tricks and pump makes him very, very interesting. Basically I just see him as accidentally boosting the stuff I would play anyway, trying to rely to heavily on him will be something of a trap. But treating him like just another 2 power guy in your aggro deck that features tricks naturally is where he will shine!

May 11, 2014 5:44 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #13

I'm not saying it is bad because it dies to removal, what I said is that it is only good with those cards that others have mentioned, and if you don't have those cards, or if your opponent has removal, you get very little value off of him since 2 mana 2/1s are undersized. I think the card is cool, but it's probably not going to be very good since you have to play cards in your deck like Aurelia's Fury that aren't that great by themselves in order to make the card good.

May 11, 2014 10:54 a.m.

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