What does the deck, Chromantiflayer do?
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 1, 2015, 9:21 p.m. by crazyaboutmagicthegathering
I've never seen a Chromantiflayer deck before. Here's a link to the decklist I found: Decklist. I really want to know how it works. :) Thanks in advance!
Here's a link to the most epic Chromantiflayer bestow caught on camera :
The match should help you get a good grasp of what the deck does!
August 1, 2015 9:29 p.m.
MenacingBunny says... #4
Here is my Chromantiflayer deck. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/gwubr-soulflayer/
August 1, 2015 11:04 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #5
That first game was sick EssTea. The deck seems very slow in a format that Mono-Red Goblins and Gruul Sleigh are a big part of the meta (aside from the obvious Esper Dragons and Abzan Midrange continuing to dominate the majority of the format).
August 2, 2015 12:02 a.m.
alexthegreat38 says... #6
@buildingadeck Don't forget about Devotion which was the most played deck at the Pro Tour. Esper Dragons isn't really a thing anymore either.
August 2, 2015 12:32 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #7
According to MTGGoldfish, it's still a significant part of the meta. I've not been able to play standard recently, so I was just going off what I read.
August 2, 2015 12:49 a.m.
@buildingadeck haha yeah the game is crazy!
It's true though that the deck might have some trouble against the faster meta of mono red and now new ensoul artifact deck. Also since abzan rally is now a thing people are starting to pack Tormod's Crypt into their sideboard so yeah...
DarkAurora7 says... #2
It involves putting Chromanticore into your graveyard, then using it as part of the delve cost for Soulflayer so that it gains Chromanticore's abilities.
August 1, 2015 9:25 p.m.