What happened to Notion Thief?
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 23, 2013, 2:30 a.m. by -Fulcrum
If I was playing the right colors, I would play Notion Thief in the sideboard now that every single UWx deck is playing 4x Sphinx's Revelation , but I don't see it everywhere. I actually have it in a RB deck (thanks to Temple of Deceit ) and it works beautifully. Stealing a single rev over 5 can finish a game. But nobody's playing it. I don't see it anywhere.
I realize that once the opponent sees it, they will start to play around it, but in my experience, stealing just the one Sphinx's Revelation has won games.
I have to agree. While Notion Thief in fun (I run it in both my U/B/x EDH decks), I'd rather just have a counterspell most of the time in standard. Its good against Esper and any other deck playing Sphinx's Revelation its useless against the devotion decks and a lot of the other decks in the format. Playing it in the SB just for Sphinx's seems like a waste of a slot.
smash10101 says... #2
Most deck's don't want it. In control, you'd rather have another counterspell that deals with more than just Sphinx's Revelation , and in aggro 4 for a 3/1 sucks. You shouldn't let them get to 8 mana anyways. Most decks would rather have a card that is always relevant, not just against UWx decks that can afford the $80 for the Revs. I agree a well timed Notion Thief can win games, but only if it's well timed.
December 23, 2013 2:40 a.m.