What is with the hate on Skullcrack

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 31, 2014, 7:59 p.m. by STEELirony

Seriously! It's a diverse card for two cmc. What is with the hate on Skullcrack

maxon says... #2

I think between Sphinx's Revelation and Gray Merchant of Asphodel it's a relevant sideboard card against your OPP gaining life. Have people been harassing you for playing it?

January 31, 2014 8:04 p.m.

STEELirony says... #3

Yes. Every time I ask their like we'll..... I would trade this for a lightning strike or magma jet. I get that it only does 3 damage straight to the face but three uses in one turn for two cmc. It even owns fog bank if played correctly.

January 31, 2014 8:08 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #4

It's because it only hits players. It can't hit creatures. But it can now with that Enchantment Satyr that I can't remember the name of, so I expect it to be more relevant.

January 31, 2014 8:16 p.m.

notamardybum says... #5

who's hating?

January 31, 2014 8:22 p.m.

STEELirony says... #6

Satyr Firedancer Is I believe what it thinking of. Either way tho. No life gain, no damage prevention and then 3 to ur dome is one heck of a response card if u ask me.

January 31, 2014 8:25 p.m.

It's fantastic... in the right circumstance. I think a lot of the lack of willingness to use it has to do with it only being able to go straight for the dome.

January 31, 2014 8:30 p.m.

STEELirony says... #8

It's almost anyone I ask. Skullcrack Is always the one they say is first to go. I'm playing a playset along with 3x Shock , and Lightning Strike

January 31, 2014 8:35 p.m.

STEELirony says... #9

In a standard format I believe Skullcrack Is an awesome card for B/R midrange burn. Yet ppl say it should be sideboard only.

January 31, 2014 8:41 p.m.

What the hell. I wasn't hating, I was answering the question. I told you why people don't like Skullcrack because you asked.

Why would you create a new thread to whine about people not wanting to play your pet card Skullcrack . You didn't even post the deck in the thread, how could I have given any suggestions at all? Maybe try being clearer on what you want next time.

The other guy was an ass though tbh

February 1, 2014 12:17 a.m.

Oh, my bad. I didn't realize that this thread was created before the other one. Must of not noticed it in the feed.

February 1, 2014 12:21 a.m.

mmdw34 says... #12

It's because when your opponent sphinx's for 10 life and you skullcrack them it's hilarious to watch the overwhelming disappointment they have because they needed the life to stay alive

February 1, 2014 6:51 a.m.

Well it might not be the best mainboard option, but it's still playable there, especially in a devoted burn deck since those kinds of decks typically have very little board presence and have to use almost all their cards to win, so any kind of life gain by the opponent can be a killer.

But otherwise, you'd have to have a pretty good reason to be playing Red and NOT have this on the side. As others have said, it shuts down control decks' Sphinx's Revelation , MBD's Gray Merchant of Asphodel , Maze's End Turbofog decks, and more.

February 1, 2014 7:48 a.m.

STEELirony says... #14

@mmdw34 Nice!

February 1, 2014 10:09 a.m.

CW says... #15

Because Magma Jet and Lightning Strike can kill guys letting more of your guys connect for more than 3 damage.

Skullcrack s other effects are irrelevant, since a little lifegain is just as irrelevant in the long run and turbofog Maze's End is the only deck that it ever has an effective use.

Notion Thief is ALWAYS a better response to Sphinx's Revelation and Lightning Strike is strictly better.

February 1, 2014 9:05 p.m.

@CW: I don't really agree with that. First off, most Red decks aren't going to splash Blue and Black just because Notion Thief is a better answer for Sphinx's Revelation , and Skullcrack is definitely the best answer in Red.

Also, many Red decks are aggro, meaning they have a short window to get the win before decks like MBD and Control are able to stabilize for good. Stopping their life gain when they need it most is one of the best ways to make sure you don't miss that opportunity. The whole point of that effect is to avoid the "long run."

February 1, 2014 10:59 p.m.

Rayenous says... #17

Someone at my FNM got really tired of playing agains Sphinx's Revelation .

So he made a Grixis hate deck to combat it. That's right... made a deck to hate on one card.

Deck wasn't overly great, but it sure was fun to watch when his opponent played Sphinx's Revelation for 5, and he plays Skullcrack , and flashes in Notion Thief .

February 1, 2014 11:38 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #18

I think it is a mainstay card against MUD, combined with an overloaded Electrickery it just about clears their field of elementals and the Master of Waves .. Against Gary its beast, MBD relies so heavily on Gary giving them the life they have payed for Read the Bones and or Underworld Connections to draw cards that taking that away in a time of need could be the turning point in the game.

February 1, 2014 11:54 p.m.

Master of Waves is pro red. Electrickery clears out the important part (the tokens), but not Master of Waves .

February 1, 2014 11:57 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #20

@fluffybunnypants Skullcrack "damage can not be prevented this turn" overload does not target. = bye bye Master of Waves i checked with the QnA section on this a long while ago back.it holds true.

February 2, 2014 12:08 a.m.

@ Quadsimotto: Ah, misunderstanding on my part, I didn't realize you were using them in conjunction, I thought you were referring to it on its own.

February 2, 2014 7:57 a.m.

CW says... #22

ChrisHansonBiomancin I never said to splash I just mentioned the theif because it stops the most important part of rev, which is draw, UW control would be just fine if Blue Sun's Zenith was printed rather than rev.

Anyway if red is playing correctly it doesn't need an answer to rev since it shoud be going for the kill before rev for 4 is even an option, its aggro for a reason and a card that cant kill a blocker is just a wasted slot that could go to a haste creature or kill spell in aggro.

On the Master of Waves thing, while it does work, its a lot of hope to put on drawing the 2 cards you need at a specific time with enough mana to toss them both out, I would rather play Anger of the Gods or Ratchet Bomb and just deal with the 2 unblockable damage each turn.

Against mono-black you have bigger problems to deal with than garys lifegain, and by that I mean the flying 6/6 than none of your (usable) burn spells can kill

February 3, 2014 6:49 p.m.

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