What Makes Red Deck Win... Win?
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2014, 12:34 p.m. by eatyourbabes
I really like the idea of a red deck wins. I think it has cool cards and I see that they are fast, but what I don't quite get is how that deck beats other decks. Like how does a Mono-red deck beat a jeskai tempo or abzan midrange deck? What cards or combos beat the other cards and combos in the other current meta decks? In a sense I guess I'm also asking what makes a good red deck wins, and how to play that deck.
Red deck wins probably isn't suitable in standard due to a lack of 1 drop creatures with haste and 2 power. Well.... actually there is Firedrinker Satyr which is good in the right deck - but still doesn't have haste
But generally you there are no tricks or too many interactions, you just play stuff that costs 1 mana and does 2-3 damage. This allows you to win on T4.
October 29, 2014 1:15 p.m.
At its core Red Deck Wins is about generating virtual card advantage. The basic goal is to kill your opponent while they still have a hand full of expensive cards in hand. It doesn't matter how powerful the cards in their deck are if they never get the chance to cast them. With its cheap casting costs, you simply deploy more cards faster ending the game before your opponent can even cast all theirs. This is often paired with burn spells, to reach for those last few points of damage once your opponent stabilizes the board with their usually more powerful cards.
October 29, 2014 1:21 p.m.
Check out omnipath's decks, he just transcribed a bunch of tournament-winning Red Deck Wins type decks. RDW is definitely 'suitable' for the current Standard, we spent last night playtesting against Ixthinon's Abzan deck, and it performed favourably enough.
Abzan is still frighteningly good though. :|
October 29, 2014 1:36 p.m.
Huh yeh. Maybe there is enough aggro to make it work. Just had a look. There's less burn though which makes the thing a lot more vulnerable to your Nyx-Fleece Ram type cards which are becoming ever more popular.
October 29, 2014 1:39 p.m.
The tournament winners all had 4 Stoke the Flames mainboarded, and it can go a long way with a little planning. But yeah, there's some strong lifegain cards out there right now, I imagine a deck with some of those featured would give RDW a run for its money.
October 29, 2014 1:42 p.m.
So is it fair to say that right now some RDW staples include Goblin Rabblemaster , Stoke the Flames , Lightning Strike , Monastery Swiftspear , and stuff like Titan's Strength ?
October 29, 2014 3:39 p.m.
Named_Tawyny says... #9
Yup. Those are all in my Canadian Burn deck, which is a RDW/Burn hybrid, and can happily be included in a straight RDW. Maybe on the Titan's Strength but I run it
October 29, 2014 9:32 p.m.
I have been dominating FNM with RDW for the last 6 months. Post Khans I dint even run Rabblemaster or Stoke. Just more synnergistic cards and creatures backed up by heroic and other abilitys. Overall Im running 9 cards that prevent my opponen from blocking. 2 of them are heroic and can trigger several times. The deck is surprisingly solid even in the midgame(turn 4-7).
Seraphicate says... #2
The fun in playing Red Deck Wins is that there is a lack of interaction with other cards, fast creature and burn spells to get an opponent down to 0 life before they can get anything too big for you to handle out. It's beatdown, down to the core.
The lack of interaction means that even if opponents decide to kill off your creatures, you're not too concerned, since they weren't vital creatures like lords (Stromkirk Captain ) or combo pieces (Melira, Sylvok Outcast ), just a creature you were swinging with each turn.
October 29, 2014 1:12 p.m.