what to plat in standard?
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 27, 2014, 3:19 a.m. by notamardybum
ive narrowed it down to ub control and jeskai burn. im leaning towards ub control because i feel like it is good but will be even better once the next set is released.
Hjaltrohir says... #3
Jeskai burn is a bit boring but then again so is UB control. I would say the Jeskai deck would probably be better as it is more popular with the pros but I also think that UB control is a bit cheaper, so it is up to you...
December 27, 2014 5:40 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #4
Jeskai Ascendancy + Tokens ("Jeskai Tokens") is very strong right now. In fact, it almost seems like a modern deck in terms of power parity when you compare it to the format's other popular decks. It's certainly the most explosive and its combo can consistently go off rather quickly (T4-5 average, but T3 can happen too; hence my comparison with Modern-level speed). Hence, the pros' current preference for it. However, it can be disrupted pretty easily if you have the proper sideboard. The deck is still resilient and doesn't immediately fold to a solid hate package, so it's a good choice. It has some intricacies, so it takes a while to learn to pilot properly. I've played many matchups,of this where the opponent made improper choices due to inexperience with the build. Basically, it's a good deck, but you need to be a good player to use it well. This is kind of true for every deck ever, but I think it's especially evident with Jeskai Tokens right now.
Your other top-tier (here meaning most popular, not necessarily most powerful, though top-tier decks are also often of an elite power level) Standard decks are Sultai "Sidisi-Whip" and Abzan midrange. Second-Tier in my view would be Gruul/Temur Monsters, Mardu Midrange, U/B Control, U/W Heroic, and perhaps others.
Another deck that was extremely popular about a month (maybe a bit more) ago is mono-red aggro. It's kind of fringe now, since the metagame has largely adjusted to it, but it still has big winning streaks every now and then and you will still see it played by at least a few competitors at events. It's also the cheapest "popular deck" alongside U/W Heroic, if you don't count the Flooded Strands.
December 27, 2014 9:23 a.m.
notamardybum says... #5
i don't really care whats popular, as of right meow my standard deck is mono blue aggro ensoul. I tend to always gravitate to control. I have started building both already and both are fairly budget friendly.
perhaps I should finish building jeskai tokens/burn (I have it all nearly put together) and once the next set is released If UB is truly stronger then I might make a switch
December 27, 2014 2:04 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #6
Sounds good. Just do what you think is most fun, or if you want to win competitively, try to put together what you think is the winningest deck for your meta.
-Fulcrum says... #2
Well, Jeskai Burn is confirmed to be good, while UB Control is theoretically good. However, Jeskai anything is boring. I personally will be experimenting with Sultai Control once FRF comes out, because of the new black boardwipe. And because I like Villainous Wealth. And I look forward to playing Empty the Pits as a win condition.
December 27, 2014 4:19 a.m.