what will control do after everything rols out
Standard forum
Posted on May 6, 2014, 7:01 p.m. by patrickloyd
so i am a ok control player but i have ran into a problem, what will control be like after everything rols out. i have heard esper is the stongest control now but what about later. i want your opnion on what color or colors i should go after everything is said and done.
You have months until rotation. Don't start worrying about until it's rotation about 1-2 months away. Also, we don't even have M15 yet. We have no idea what that will bring. We don't know what the next block will bring, either. It's too earlier to start planning on this level.
May 6, 2014 7:11 p.m.
If M15 doesn't bring at least one sweeper, I'll eat my hat. But yeah, usually aggro is dominant when a set rotates since it takes a little more time to construct a powerful control archetype. I wouldn't worry toooo much yet, you still have some time.
May 6, 2014 7:11 p.m.
patrickloyd says... #6
ok in the mean time what is the most powerful control now
May 6, 2014 7:12 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #7
Right now, the most powerful control is UWx. I'm thinking that UWR will overtake UWB as the most dominant, what with the goodies that journey brought.
May 6, 2014 7:15 p.m.
You should ask M15. Or Huey. Or grand prix JOU.
point is, it's way too early to tell.
May 6, 2014 7:27 p.m.
Mentioned this in another thread as well, but I think it's an good easy way to see how silly it is to speculate right now.
Theros block fully combined is 579 cards, one large set and two small sets. We already know M15 is even an even larger set at 269, and if the fall set is similar we're looking at 538 cards that are going to change what the metagame will look like at rotation. That's nearly half of the entire card pool.
At this point it's not even speculating it's guessing.
May 6, 2014 7:59 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #13
It's quite likely that M15 doesn't bring another sweeper, but instead we will have to wait until the first set of Huey (in fact, I am hoping for this). My best guess would be that whichever color gets the sweeper- likely White or Black- will combine with Blue for the next control archtype, though Esper will probably still be solid due to Thoughtseize , Banishing Light , other Black creature removal, and White Enchantment removal and exiling.
May 7, 2014 5:29 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #14
It doesn't seem like control we'll have a control archetype as controlling as we currently have in standard (of course with two sets still waiting to come in, it's hard to tell). Control will lose their basic shell of 4x Supreme Verdict , 4x Detention Sphere , 4x Jace, Architect of Thought , 4x Sphinx's Revelation , and AEtherling , which is vital considering Elspeth, Sun's Champion isn't all too great in some match ups.
I think (once again, unless the next two sets dramatically change things-which they probably will), that R/W/B control or Esper control could still exist and do well, but won't be as frustrating/difficult/annoying/(other terms casual FNM players say) to play against. Cards like Dissolve , Anger of the Gods , Hero's Downfall , Thoughtseize , Bile Blight , Reprisal , Banishing Light , Divination , Read the Bones , etc. will still exist to keep some sort of control build alive, but it will feel more midrangey because Sphinx's Revelation is the card control decks build around.
Sphinx's Revelation fits with the underlying theme control decks use: To try and limit your opponents resources as much as possible while building up your own. That's where one-for-ones and two-for-ones come in with Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict . And without something to really push the control deck ahead late game, it too could run out of gas.
Also, Supreme Verdict is a huge loss, and I don't anything like it will be reprinted. A four drop wrath is pretty much always good, and uncounterable makes it nearly unbearable (but not close to broken, despite what some casual FNM-ers believe). The closest thing (without any new wraths) we have are Fated Retribution , Extinguish All Hope , and Whelming Wave (!).
Conclusion: it'll take some serious new cards in the next two blocks to be able to keep up with the level and type of control we currently have.
Servo_Token says... #2
Without knowing what is in M15 or the next block after this one, there is a 0% chance that someone will be able to accurately tell you what to pick up for post rotation. You still have 6 months to sling your Sphinx's Revelation s, so just chill and wait until there's more information.
May 6, 2014 7:09 p.m.