When Sphinx's Rev no longer exist in standard
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 3, 2014, 11:20 a.m. by Enlightened_Jedi
What shall we do?
Who shall we turn to?
Anyone have just any idea's to what might possibly replace the mighty rev for controls?
Depending on what we get in future sets, I think Opportunity and Steam Augury will definitely spike up in trying to fill the void as decks slowly more into a more Enchantment heavy set up.
Servo_Token says... #3
When Sphinx's rev leaves, there will either be a card in the new set to replace it, or we'll have to live with what you've suggested. There isn't much of a way for control decks to draw all the cards outside of it. Perhaps it'll mean that UW takes a bit of a dive to other control based strategies, such as mono black?
February 3, 2014 11:26 a.m.
Don't say such things!Sphinx's Rev will always have a special place in my heart.
But maybe control will go over to something else entirely. Grixis maybe?
February 3, 2014 11:29 a.m.
We'll have to see what shows up in JOU, M15 and Huey. We're still six months from rotation. Don't worry about how to replace it without knowing what will actually be around.
Also, Opportunity was only in M14. When Sphinx's Rev rotates, so will Opportunity.
February 3, 2014 11:29 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
Maybe there will be some sort of Gray Merchant for Drawing cards released in the next set. That could do as a great replacement.
February 3, 2014 11:32 a.m.
In the current control set up, that would basically be a 5 drop 2/4 with a Divination attached. Unless we transition to a very different looking form of control, I think the decks would rather just run Divination .
February 3, 2014 11:35 a.m.
RussischerZar says... #8
Well, for MUD it could be "draw tons of cards".
I guess the creature type and P/T could be very relevant in that one.
February 3, 2014 11:39 a.m.
MUD isn't control, and even if it were, it looks nothing like U/W or Esper control do right now, which are the big decks running Sphinx's rev.
February 3, 2014 11:41 a.m.
The thing is that rotation may take this archetype down a notch. Which is fine by me, control has other ways to deal with it and for the 18 months we have to deal with Spirit of the Labyrinth . U/W control does not always need to be a thing.
February 3, 2014 11:55 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #11
Don't forget that Supreme Verdict and Detention Sphere will also be leaving at the same time. UW Control may still exist, but it is hard to envision it not taking a step back without those three cards. I think the next Control archetype will be more dependent on which color(s) get the next good wipe.
February 3, 2014 12:46 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #12
Steam Augury is not horrible but when shocklands rotate three colour decks will too, unless the mtg god answer my prayers and print better dual lands.
February 3, 2014 12:47 p.m.
Unfortunately Schuesseled, I think the shock lands are the best duals we're gong to see for a LONG time.
February 3, 2014 1:26 p.m.
Shocks are the second best duals ever. The best duals are abur duals. Now, we can get good duals and fetches, but nothing better.
February 3, 2014 1:32 p.m.
It's much to early to say. But in general, decks formed around staples cards like Sphinx's Revelation are not simply going to adopt weaker cards and will instead start from scratch. Control as a strategy will simply adapt to whatever new shell is available. It might be draw-go, tap out, or some other variation, but it's going to continue to pursue a powerful suite of cards, not try to get by with whatever was cast off in last season. Though sometimes rotation is all it takes for a card previously right on the edge to shine.
February 3, 2014 2:11 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #16
I'm not saying we should get something better than shocks, but something better than scry-yuck lands.
February 3, 2014 2:25 p.m.
Schuesseled - you're kidding right? Scry lands are awesome. Look at any of the top tier decks in Standard and point out one that doesn't use a scry-land. Are they as good as shocks? Not by a mile. But they are really good at lowering the variance of your deck.
I said this when we heard about the scry lands and people bemoaned them and I'll say it again. The players in Standard have been spoiled with one of the best mana-bases Standard has has in a while.
February 3, 2014 3:08 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #18
"Are they as good as shocks? Not by a mile"
You've just proved my point. /argument.
February 3, 2014 3:20 p.m.
Most duals lands have cipt attached to them in some form, scry is awesome. Simply they aren't the best or worst of the possibilities. Sure they won't see play outside of standard, but very few really do. Grove of the Burnwillows , manlands and shocks are the ones that do, occasionally the fast lands. Because of the utlity OR don't cipt. Shocks only really saving grace and what makes them so good is they have basic land types attached to them to make them tutorable/fetchable.
February 3, 2014 3:27 p.m.
Schuesseled - ...No I haven't. Like gufymike said, Shocks are the 2nd best dual lands ever. In my opinion, buddy/check lands like Dragonskull Summit are probably around 3rd-4th best. I never said scry-lands are the best, or even top 5, but they are really good. Better than guildgates, better than fast-lands etc.
And another thing. Standard has had shocks before, and it survived them leaving. It has had fetches before, and it has survived them leaving. It has had buddy/check lands before, and it's surviving them leaving as we speak. Just because Standard doesn't have the amazing mana-base of Modern, Legacy, or Vintage, doesn't mean that any dual lands it gets are immediately "bad."
February 3, 2014 3:34 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #23
It's actually kind of scary to whats all going to rotate soon. Going to be a very interesting next few sets. Also I am curious to what M15 is going to bring to the table and also which Jace they will run with.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #2
February 3, 2014 11:20 a.m.