white weenie is it worth it

Standard forum

Posted on May 16, 2013, 1:21 a.m. by the1R1SHCARBOMB

I am new to magic and have made a few decks and just made a white weenie deck and I like the idea. I have play tested it and seen it can be strong at times. My question is r white weenie or any weenie decks worth it anymore. The deck is white junk tokens

I see white weenies as similar to Red Deck Wins. You want to get your game plan going hard and fast using 1 and 2 drops. By the time your opponent can mount a defense, you already have lethal on board. Then you swing and win.

In my judgment, there aren't enough fast white creatures to facilitate that deck right now. There are a couple really efficient beaters (Thalia, Guardian of Thraben comes to mind), but not enough to flesh out a whole deck.

Your best bet to run "white weenie" is to go Naya with it and make Naya Blitz.

One of the weaknesses of a weenie deck right now is the fact that midrange is so popular. On turn 3 or 4 when you want to be going in for game, you opponent is gonna drop a Thragtusk and ruin your day. They've just got a bad matchup at the moment.

May 16, 2013 2:21 a.m.

White weenie is also historically inferior to mono red in that it does not possess the reach that red has with its burn spells.

As for white weenie right now, I would try a GW Hatebears type deck with a core of:

4x Voice of Resurgence

3x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

4x Loxodon Smiter

4x Dryad Militant

4x Strangleroot Geist

And fill in the rest with whatever else you want. The deck could also have a sideboard ready to transform into a Restoration Angel + Thragtusk vs aggressive strategies.

May 16, 2013 3:47 a.m.

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