White Weenie Speculations

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 25, 2014, 3:05 p.m. by Three-Left-Feet

Alright, if you've been paying attention to Born of the Gods, you've probably noticed the absolute power-house that White Weenie Decks will become!

Planning on playing the deck myself, I've been thinking about the possibilities involved with the deck, and even splashing colors..

I believe the deck will thrive on specific color splashes

For an example; Blood Baron of Vizkopa absolutely DESTROYS a mono-white deck, for fairly obvious reasons. I believe you'd have to be very lucky to win against a Mono-Black deck that has been killing creatures and slams down the destroyer that is Blood Baron

So my thoughts on color-splashing;


Mizzium Mortars for killing... I mean you're playing a "Weenie" deck, why not kill a toughy?

Boros Charm because versatility. I think the Indestructable and 4 Damage aspects would be the most used, but Double Strike could save your creature in combat. Or if your creature has 4+ Power, Double Strike just got even better.

Stormbreath Dragon because late-game. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of this idea ( because Ajani, Caller of the Pride is a thing ), but I know somebody would like it.

Finally, Chain to the Rocks, great way to remove a God from the battlefield, because 'dem gods are gonna be nasty.


Azorius Charm is awesome. I actually think it'd be BETTER in this deck than in Control decks, because you're not just using 2/3rds of it, AND the Attacking/Blocking creatures aspect of it just opened up the "Blocking" achievement. Bouncing twice the guys! Lifelink also gives you a MAJOR edge in Aggro-Vs-Aggro match-ups! Brave the Elements + Azorius Charm when they Alpha-Strike? Yeah... We win

Detention Sphere is basically another Chain to the Rocks, only it also destroys Pack Rat , and you don't have to rely on a specific land to be in play (I've been screwed by temples before, and that's no fun)

Ephara, God of the Polis is absolutely crazy... Not only are you playing a creature-intensely-heavy deck, but have you seen Brimaz, King of the Oreskos?? You're basically drawing at least twice the cards as normal, Spirit of the Labyrinth only Barely hinders this effect, because if you block with Brimaz, you can't draw on your turn, but if you attack, you're still drawing on theirs.

Black; Probably my least favorite of the mentionables, but...

Blood Baron of Vizkopa wrecks shop, I'm currently running 4 in my R/W/B control/Midrange. The life-gain is HUGE, and White Weenie will be SO popular after this, and there's so many "Mono-White means Mono-White" purists out there, you will not only become unexpected, but you'll be kicking some tookish. I'd say more, but it's not a new card so i'm sure you see the potential.

Pain Seer could actually be some-what mediocre with all your low-drops... Yeah, I don't like it either.

Pack Rat would help when you draw too many lands or dead cards. It's not very color-intensive, so as long as you draw One of the temples or one Godless Shrine , you're set, and you can toss the rest to the rat.

Ultimate Price / Doom Blade because removal kills... Get it?

Obzedat, Ghost Council because of control. It's probably just a side-board card since you want to Aggro-Out, but a Supreme Verdict can really hinder your plans as an Aggro-Player, so what's wrong with planning on a little late-game?

Green; Honestly, there's just so many good green cards, I feel like "Splashing" green, would turn your deck into a straight up Selesnya deck...

Voice of Resurgence I mean... It's a creature-heavy deck...

Karametra, God of the Harvests helps you land-filter like crazy, assuring you DRAW more creatures, which allows you to PLAY more creatures, filtering MORE, and with all that excess mana, what could you ever do?

Fleecemane Lion You could do monstrous...

Trostani, Selesnya's Voice you could populate...

Advent of the Wurm assuming you grabbed enough green mana, you can cast this...

Glimpse the Sun God could actually be side-board playable

Elspeth, Sun's Champion could actually be played in a 22 land deck... Think about it.

Granted, a lot of that is banking on the fact that you have your god out...

Selesnya Charm is still a boss, again with the exiling of powerful creatures! Gods are going to be in almost EVERY deck, why not get rid of them? Or power over other weenies? Or make more weenies? For real...

Well guys, I think there's a LOT of possibility with the cards coming out, and I KNOW some people are going to HATE the idea of splashing color in a mono-color deck, but I honestly think it could prove to be a Tier-1 deck. After all, what's the harm of having more options?

Tell me what you think of this, if there's anything you want to add, or what version you think you might be playing (even if it's mono-white) and why.

Thank you for your time :)

ChiefBell says... #2

You realise BotG has brought even more ways to wreck weenies like Drown in Sorrow etc? Now there'll be mono black AND esper control screwing over weenies.

January 25, 2014 3:18 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #3

I am thinking about changing my W/r aggro heroic into WW Heroic with a blue splash for card draw, some of the blue target effects and removal.

January 25, 2014 3:21 p.m.

There's actually a decent number of creatures with a toughness of more-than 2, ChiefBell. I mean, Brimaz is a big player, and Spear of Heliod pumps everything up.

Splashing Blue would also allow Negate to be side-boarded in if need-be.

I mean, White Weenie doesn't exactly mean every creature is weak, despite its name, haha. Drown in Sorrow would kill off a decent amount of creatures, but I don't think it'd be terribly hard to bounce back. Also, W/G could easily survive that as well. T-2 3/3s and all.

Gidgetimer, I take it you're going to be getting your hands on a few of those gods, huh? haha

January 25, 2014 3:37 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #5

No, wasn't even considering the God since it is a budget deck. Ordeal of Thassa and Fate Foretold are not horrible in a heroic deck and a Bident of Thassa may be castable. Not sure about the Bident though, it is double blue.

January 25, 2014 3:51 p.m.

Dalektable says... #6

I've been playing a white weenies variant you have probably seen around the site since rotation, and i have to say i am excited

January 25, 2014 4:30 p.m.

You and me both Dalektable! Are you going mono-white or splashing?

January 25, 2014 4:32 p.m.

Dalektable says... #8

Three-Left-Feet Just mono, half for price reasons and half for consistency. If i could splash any color though it would probably be red for Boros Charm to protect from Supreme Verdict and the like. Also like you said Chained to the Rocks . Although splashing any color will inevitably slow the deck down at least a little as you'll most likely need to run scry lands.

January 25, 2014 4:41 p.m.

I can respect that. I guess it could slow the deck down a bit with Scry Lands, I guess despite my post, I understand white definitely still has options.

They're printing that "Exile target artifact or enchantment" 2-drop for white, I didn't see that until after I posted this, haha.. So you'll still have an answer to gods, and the occasional Sphere of Safety deck. (Not to mention Ratchet Bomb )

January 25, 2014 4:54 p.m.

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