Who else thinks that Pack Rat is overrated?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 29, 2014, 5:45 a.m. by ChrisHansonBiomancin
Let me start with this caveat- in a deck with a dedicated graveyard theme, Pack Rat can be fantastic. However, his main use currently seems to be in MBD, which only runs a couple Whip of Erebos if any. I have noticed that most of the players at my LGS who play MBD have dropped the Rat from their list, as have many Pro decks, but it seems to get plenty of love here on T/O. I honestly think it is very weak in many popular matchups; here's a brief explanation for some of those:
MUD: Too slow. The flyers go right over him, and Frostburn Weird isn't fazed. If you spend your early turns making Rats, it means you're not killing their creatures (Thassa, God of the Sea will thank you) or putting out flyers of your own.
RDW: Again, too slow. First off, every burn in their deck can handle him on turn 2. And they'll gladly trade a Burning-Tree Emissary or Rakdos Cackler for him early on. Spend too much time making Rats instead of killing their Devotion dudes, and Fanatic of Mogis will make you pay.
Selesnya: Another aggro matchup in which Pack Rat can't keep up. They have efficient, big bodies that stay ahead of the curve (ex. Fleecemane Lion ) while Pack Rat is a step behind the curve; while you're making a 2/2 Rat on turn 3, they're playing Loxodon Smiter . And they'd love to trade a Rat with Voice of Resurgence or even Soldier of the Pantheon .
MGD / GR Monsters: You can't afford to be dilly-dallying with Rat tokens early on; you have to slow down their ramp, or Polukranos, World Eater will eat them up, Stormbreath Dragon will fly over them, and Garruk, Caller of Beasts will supply an endless stream of chump blockers and fatties. Like Selesnya, they have no problem staying ahead of the curve. You also have to watch out for Mizzium Mortars as early as turn 4.
Mirror Match: This might have been a feasible matchup pre-BNG, but say hello to Bile Blight .
Esper / UW control: Probably Pack Rat's worst matchups. They would love nothing more than to have you throw away cards to make Rats before they drop Detention Sphere or Supreme Verdict .
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #4
True, but if you're not making more Rats until turn 5 or 6, that's just not fast enough. I'd rather spend those slots on a higher value threat that can mop up by himself without relying on a perfect supporting cast to get him started.
Against any aggro deck, you can't expect to take two turns setting up Underworld Connections with Pack Rat , pay a bunch of life drawing cards, and hope to survive past turn 5. And against control, you can draw all the cards you want, but Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict will wipe it out if you're using them to make Rats.
January 29, 2014 6:24 a.m.
thataddkid says... #5
Playing RDW it's usually not a problem, but if I don't have burn and they make another it's very difficult for me to fight back without a surprise Legion Loyalist . I usually am conservative with burn in MBD for Nightveil Specter and Pack Rat though, so honestly it's not too much of a problem for me if my deck is running well.
January 29, 2014 6:31 a.m.
Americansinner77 says... #6
Personally, I never thought of Pack Rat as a centerpiece for an aggro deck, just another threat in a list of many. Either it's around turn 5 and I am dropping rat tokens instead of Rakdos Shred-Freak , or, it soaks up a removal spell away from something else. It's still a great pressure card in my opinion because it forces the opponent to have to deal with it eventually or else get overrun. I also like the idea of discarding Bloodghast to it.
January 29, 2014 7:12 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #7
Guess I should have clarified that I was specifically referring to it being overrated in Standard; I admit I'm not as well-versed in other formats. However, the part you mentioned about Bloodghast is a good example of my original statement that it can be effective in a deck with graveyard synergy.
January 29, 2014 7:51 a.m.
I don't know what "Pro Lists" your looking at, but I cover them in a weekly article and every Mono Black Devotion list that is doing well is running 4 copies of Pack Rat . It's a card that must be answered or you will lose the game.
January 29, 2014 7:53 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #9
I was recently looking at the results of a PTQ in which several of the MBD lists did not run it at all or only as a 2-of; can't remember which one though.
Personally, I have not lost to Pack Rat once since rotation despite facing seemingly 1 or 2 MBD decks every FNM. I've been running a GU Devotion deck for a while now (My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)), and my only "answer" to it is Cyclonic Rift , yet I'm always happy to see Pack Rat because it means my opponent has one less removal spell or flyer for me to deal with and I can easily outrace it.
January 29, 2014 8:13 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #10
I have no idea what you are looking at but every MBD deck for the past 5 days has 4x Pack Rat .
Matt Sperling 5/8 Grand Prix Vancouver
John Stern 3/4 Grand Prix Vancouver
There is also a host of MTGO dailies in the past 5 days and all run 4x Pack Rat .
Also, were you talking about this PTQ?
Pack Rat adds to devotion, yes, but from the sounds of things the players in your meta aren't really playing him to his full potential. He can literally destroy you on his own.
He is NOT limited to grave based decks alone either, so I'm not sure where you are getting that from.
I have a MBD deck and I have never lost when I play Pack Rat because if you play him right they shouldn't have an answer to him.
January 29, 2014 8:31 a.m.
I hate the card. Stupid, stupid card. Encourages bad play. Has the potential to be bloody amazing but you have to be very careful how you use him.
January 29, 2014 8:45 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #12
To clarify ChiefBell, do you hate it because it's bad, or do you hate him because he's good?
January 29, 2014 8:48 a.m.
I can't decide. It's usually an average card but if someone lets it get out of control then oh boy is it stupid good. It's one of those cards that is distinctly average unless you let your opponent capitalise on it.
I think I hate it because there are loads of bad players who just rave about it solo winning games when it's just not designed to do that. You play it in conjunction with another threat and you force your opponent to choose what to answer.
It encourages bad players to throw away card advantage and waste a ton of cards on something that can be answered in a variety of different ways and on its own its horrific. I've heard people claim that they love top decking a pack rat and I just want to stab pencils in my eyes and ears to make all the incorrect statements go away.
I think I just hate it because too many people are raving about it when really to use it properly it's a very tricky and technical card and a lot of people miss that. Probably because they're too busy netdecking to spend the time learning the proper strats.
January 29, 2014 8:53 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #14
See, how I look at it is, if I have 6 lands in play I will discard every subsequent land to the Pack Rat . I'm also running Liliana of the Dark Realms in my version, so late game she fetches me rat food. Underworld Connections also provides the Rat food.
I understand completely what you mean. I do have to say though, if you have a Pack Rat or two already in play topdecking a Pack Rat is pretty awesome because it lets you have another rat for 1 less cmc.
January 29, 2014 8:58 a.m.
That was overly critical and I didn't mean it really.
January 29, 2014 8:58 a.m.
I was taking from the point of view of you're about to lose (have no board presence) and then topdeck one.
January 29, 2014 8:59 a.m.
Using it as a lategame play to feed lands to is a good idea. Dropping him early, on his own and unsupported, and then throwing all your cards away is a bad idea.
January 29, 2014 9 a.m.
I love Pack Rat but I think the rumors of its potential banning are uncalled for. I think that in this way I think it's overrated. I think people are spend more time thinking about what they want on the list because they personally can't beat it than look at how bannings are made. It makes for good speculation and all that, but at the same time, it's hard to take someone serious.
Other than that I agree with the pro-rat players.
January 29, 2014 9:04 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #19
This was a couple weeks ago; I'll have to dig up some lists when I'm not on my phone.
I never said that he was "limited" to grave-based decks, seeing as how the majority of this discussion is about his use in MBD. I simply said that he is much better in those types of decks, obviously due to the fact that you're not losing cards when using his ability. Personally, I would never include him in a deck unless there was some sort of graveyard interaction, but I'm not so oblivious to not realize that he's in MBD.
Also, the vast majority of players at my LGS are very skilled players. This means that not only do they know how to wield Pack Rat properly, but also that few players are so incompetent as to be destroyed by a single card. Indeed, it takes a strong blend of removal and card advantage to truly make it a force.
I did forget to include my argument as to why it is too slow if you wait until later to make tokens in the main description, but included it in my first response, so I apologize if you got the impression that players at my LGS literally do nothing but make Rats early and often. I simply used those examples in the aggro matchup descriptions since waiting to use him until turn 5 or 6 isn't really a feasible option unless you've already stabilized, in which case it doesn't really matter who goes in to mop up.
January 29, 2014 9:04 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #20
Wow lots of comments there while i was typing on my slow-ass phone. My last comment was to Ohthenoises #9.
January 29, 2014 9:05 a.m.
Pack Rat exists at exactly the hype amount it needs to. The current MBD is a perfect environment for it and has the results to prove it. Whatever that PTQ was aside, MBD has been Top8-ing events with a playset of Pack Rat for months now.
I also think several of your observations are only seeing a narrow view of the picture. For instance, Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict will always be a solid answer to Pack Rat , but you're also discounting the ability to flash in all your creatures and that any potential dead card can be instead exchanged for a threat. Or the GW match where they certainly play creatures ahead on curve, but your rats will rather quickly outsize them: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 - 4/4 with Mutavault open, 5/5 - 6/6 with Mutavault open, 6 mana and you now jump them to 7/7s potentially. Go track down the SCG Open finals from a few weeks back that features GW vs MBD and see how awkward Pack Rat quickly makes all of GWs attacks.
January 29, 2014 9:37 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #22
From the MUD section: "If you spend your early turns making Rats,"
From the RDW section: "Spend too much time making Rats instead of killing their Devotion dudes"
From the G/R monsters section: "You can't afford to be dilly-dallying with Rat tokens early on"
All three of these quotes imply that the people in your meta are using the discard ability early on and ENTIRELY misplaying Pack Rat .
Lastly this quote: "True, but if you're not making more Rats until turn 5 or 6, that's just not fast enough" doesn't really cover the true value of Pack Rat . By turns 5-6 I should have killed most of your threats, in a "control" deck like MBD you don't kill the mana dorks with your Hero's Downfall , you save it for their Arbor Colossus or their Polukranos, World Eater . This again points to misplays by the MBD players in your area. Once your opponent has no threats left THEN you start making Pack Rat tokens.
January 29, 2014 10:23 a.m.
actiontech says... #23
I saw a guy dodge a counter when playing against UW control by discarding his Gray Merchant of Asphodel to Pack Rat , then activating Whip of Erebos on gary to win. His opponent was sitting on a Syncopate and it was the only way to get gary into play. I thought it was a nice use of the rat, and as previously mentioned the tokens to add to your devotion count.
I think people hating on pack rat aren't paying attention, or have never watched a GP finals. I suggest you check out some youtube vids of the pros playing MBD and you'll have a better idea of the power of the rat.
January 29, 2014 10:54 a.m.
With Pack Rat my quickest, best answer is to burn the original copy of the card before it gets to be copied. I am playing a version of Boros burn/Angry Phoenix right now, so that is no problem for me to do. I almost always have a Shock , Lightning Strike , or other burn spell in hand for those buggers. So, in all honesty, I have not had all that much trouble with them. Now I can see them getting out of hand quickly! which is why they get the fry treatment right away.
January 29, 2014 12:01 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #26
I love Pack Rat it's a decent card in the right build. Although it is an easily misplayed card it can be a lifesaver if you are stuck on three mana and have nothing else to play on that mana you can toss a few big CMC spells to it to gain a board presence, and unless they have immediate removal for it it can easily overwhelm them from there.
January 29, 2014 12:17 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #27
@Ohthenoises: You're still missing my overall point that Pack Rat is a wasted card early on and entirely dependent on stabilizing to become effective. If he's in your opening hand, you have less of a chance to beat an aggro deck than you do without it. My examples about making tokens early on were simply made to illustrate this fact because if you can manage to stabilize v aggro, then you've already won the game regardless of who mops up. I already pointed out that I neglected to make this distinction in my original post, but have since filled in that blank.
Also, while you don't spend your Hero's Downfall on killing mana dorks against GR, you certainly play your Devour Flesh as early as you can to slow down their ramp. And any decent Green player knows to seek card advantage from the top of their curve, usually their Planeswalkers, to avoid having a couple doses of spot removal ruin their day (GR runs 6+ such P/W's, and you only get 4 Downfalls). A crank or two from Garruk, Caller of Beasts and you're toast. If you've been getting by in your meta by simply saving a couple kill spells for their big creature threats, it is the deckbuilding and play skills of those in your own meta you should be questioning.
January 29, 2014 1:31 p.m.
Americansinner77 says... #28
@ChrisHansonBiomancin that was actually my fault for not noticing the format first, sorry about that. I do see what you're saying about Pack Rat not being able to keep up with other aggro decks and in my mind that's never what it was there for to begin with. Against a control deck I still see this card as being something that the opponent is going to have to deal with or succumb with the rats. So as a decoy or a threat I think it's still pretty effective. Against a good aggro deck, maybe a couple should be sideboarded out for something else. I don't know every card out there right now but off the top of my head but I still think this is one of the best two mana creatures for black (aggro-wise) out there, especially in a format as limited as standard. In terms of upside it's still a 2 mana creature that has the potential to become a huge threat later down the line if not dealt with. It's never been mandatory to use and should never be the card to rely on to win the game. If it's dead by turn 5 or 6 then good, it hopefully soaked up a removal spell. If it's still alive by that time would you rather make another rat token or play that one-mana drop creature you just drew? Or play that land you don't need? Etc etc.
January 29, 2014 2:31 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #29
You say that your meta plays him correctly but yet you turn around and give evidence to the contrary. I'm sorry but it's very hard for me to believe that they are indeed playing him correctly when you are continually contradicting yourself.
You say Pack Rat is bad in every matchup, so why is it a 4x in every deck for the past week if not more? Why does every competitive MBD deck run 4? Why are decks that run him as a 4x ~22% of the standard meta? Because they are damn good.
I'm not going to sit here and argue with someone who doesn't have the deck about the merits of Pack Rat . If you haven't played it you think it's bad, if you've played it you know why it's good, simple as that.
You are giving the same arguments that people who said Necropotence was bad were giving.
January 29, 2014 3:21 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #30
let's be fair MBD is running it because each token adds to devotion.
January 29, 2014 3:24 p.m.
Pack rat is great for one simple reason: he's one single card that can turn into 5-6 creatures pretty quickly. Combine him with a Mutavault or two, and things get out of hand fast. As people have previously mentioned, he's not an early game play. I think you're confused by the fact that he technically is a 2-drop. No MBD players play him turn 2, unless they've dropped a Mutavault already. He's a finisher. You clear the board, run through the opponent's hand with things like Thoughtseize , and then drop a rat turn 5-6 when they have no answer and no board presence. From there, he pretty much just wrecks face. Keep in mind also, that with a rat on the field, no top deck is a bad top deck. Every card you draw can be used as fodder for more rats, and combine all of that with Underworld Connections and you see why the rat is a 4-of in every competitive MBD deck. His only real downfall is Detention Sphere .
January 29, 2014 3:29 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #32
That's true Schuesseled, and that's amazing. However that's not the only reason we run him, we also run him because with Erebos, God of the Dead and Underworld Connections giving us cards in hand every turn we end up having a lot of land in hand. Combine that with the fact that his ability is instant speed that gives us the flexibility to hold open kill magic for the opponent's turn and if it ISN'T needed that turn we can discard a land.
TL;DR Yes he adds to devotion but he is also a mana sink at EoT.
January 29, 2014 3:30 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #33
kmcree you and I said almost the same thing, lol.
Internet high five!
January 29, 2014 3:32 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #34
If he didn't give devotion though i'm not so sure he'd be used. Although i guess that's irrelevant since he does.
January 29, 2014 3:39 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #35
Schuesseled you're probably right, he would probably be slotted out for some more removal or something similar.
January 29, 2014 3:47 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #36
@Ohthenoises: If you think I've provided any "evidence" of my meta's use of Pack Rat or that I'm contradicting myself then you're clearly not reading the entirety of my argument. Which admittedly is spread over a few posts but I've pointed this out, yet you continue to only address the contents of the original post. Discussing the different options available when playing a versatile card like Pack Rat is necessary to fully evaluate it, and you clearly don't understand how to pilot it effectively yourself if you think that waiting until the late game is unequivocally the only way to use it in every matchup (watch the SCG Indianapolis finals v. GW that Slycne referred to for an example of how discarding early & often was the best way to play it). I guess it's for the best that you stay quiet if you're not going to take part in an evolving discussion.
January 29, 2014 3:52 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #37
For those who are insisting that no MBD player plays him on turn 2 or makes tokens early, here's the link to that finals match between GW and MBD:
Owen Turtenwald basically invented MBD, so I'm guessing he has a decent idea of how to pilot the deck.
January 29, 2014 4:04 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #38
Wait a minute, hang on here, you state that decks are running without Pack Rat
which I proved wrong by linking to at least 3 top8 decks that have it as a 4x.
You basically insult me and tell me that I have no idea how to play my own deck.
You tell me that I'm not reading your whole argument while completely ignoring what I'm saying.
You continue to attempt to rile me up on this thread by pointing all of your comments at me and not acknowledge what other people are telling you.
Then you tell me, in essence, to shut up? Really? You are really going to attempt to play that game?
You haven't provided any evidence that makes me think that your meta isn't misplaying the Rat. Period, end of story.
I continue to address the original post because your comments seem to contradict the original post.
I have 2 undefeated finishes in my local meta with my own MBD so I'm not misplaying the Rat.
In my experience, and every OTHER match aside from the one that was linked that I have seen, it has been a horrible play to T2 a Pack Rat
in almost ANY given situation.
How about you don't insult users that have been around on this site for a while and have been helpful and active members on this site? How about you don't tell me to "stay quiet"?
January 29, 2014 4:11 p.m.
I'm assuming in that link you're referring to the second game? If you notice in the first game he played it later, and, as the announcers were stating, it effectively eliminated any bad draw he could've had. At worst, he was drawing another rat. And he almost (and frankly probably should have) stabilized after starting down 21-1 life with an opposing trampling wurm on the field. I'm not really sure how any of that improves your argument that Pack Rat is bad. Could you elaborate?
January 29, 2014 4:23 p.m.
Also, the idea that somebody who is a pro player, and according to you "invented" the deck, couldn't possibly commit a missplay is stupid. He misplayed the first game by gambling a turn early and lost because of it. Who's to say that playing the rat t2 wasn't also a misplay? Even the pros make mistakes.
January 29, 2014 4:26 p.m.
Is it a mistake or a calculated risk. That is the real question. Anyways, t2 rat sometimes the only play, sometimes it is the best play and sometimes the worst play. It all depends on who you're playing and how you're playing. I'm also ok with the rat going to the gy early game to reanimate with the whip and make tokens that stay alive after the original gets exiled. Most of the early plays I make, make it a calculated risk to t2 a Pack Rat . Note, this isn't MBD, but a different deck, with a similar goal, but usually relies on Blood Baron of Vizkopa to finish out the game instead of gary.
January 29, 2014 4:34 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #42
@Everyone else, sorry for that bit of a rant, I don't usually and I'm usually the one to mediate and take both sides on a topic. The "stay quiet" thing was kinda rude and I was trying to restrain myself. I apologize.
January 29, 2014 4:39 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #43
@Ohthenoises: Most of the other comments have essentially repeated things you have said, but you were the only one who felt it necessary to insult my meta so I figured I would point my comments at you while addressing the points that have been made at large. I'm sorry that tagging you has caused confusion, but if you actually think that my comments have contradicted my original post, you must be easily confused.
Btw, I checked out your MBD deck and saw the updates; you should be careful dissing other LGS's when the FNM's yours holds are 4 round jokes with no Top 8. Competitive metas tend to attract the best players and lots of them. Must be nice being a big fish in a small pond.
And no, having a colorful tag or a lot of posts to your name doesn't give you the right to bash other people's metas without receiving any blowback.
Finally, back to the topic, you're right that a turn 2 Pack Rat
is pretty terrible in a lot of situations, which is one of the reasons I've stated that it's overrated. If I'm going to sit on a threat for the late game, I'd rather it be one that doesn't require me to ditch a bunch of cards to be useful. However, you're crazy if you think that the example against GW doesn't apply to other GW matchups, or almost any aggro deck with limited removal (such as MUD).
January 29, 2014 4:42 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #44
@kmcree: Both the second and third games saw early Pack Rat production. And yes, they both had misplays down the stretch in game 1; the GW guy should have attacked the turn before the Rat was topdecked. However, suggesting that the t2 Rat was a misplay doesn't make sense considering that GW has no answers besides Last Breath (Banisher Priest is only a temporary solution), which I honestly thought was a horrible sb given the life gain.
January 29, 2014 4:53 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #45
I wasn't bashing your meta man. I was using the information YOU gave me to draw conclusions on their playing of the creature in question. I can only use what you give me. You kept giving examples of ways that your meta was misplaying him. That's all.
Also, Upgraded user or not, that doesn't give YOU the right to insult other players and tell them to shut up.
You keep insulting me by saying "you must be easily confused" and "Must be nice being a big fish in a small pond" neither of which are true. You make the assumption that a small sample size of players equals bad decks. You couldn't be more wrong, we have 2 MUD net decks, 3-4 MBD netdecks, 3-4 G/R monsters netdecks, 2/3 Maze's End turbofog, and my own brews.
January 29, 2014 4:53 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #46
Well let's not turn this into a debate over netdecking versus brewing, but suffice it to say that running a netdeck doesn't mean that the players are good. One of the best players in my meta must be made of money because he shows up every week with a new brew and makes Top 8's pretty consistently since they're typically strong builds and he plays them nearly flawlessly.
Since I never gave a single example of how anyone in my meta plays Pack Rat , I remain mystified as to how you're drawing those conclusions.
And I never would have insulted you so directly if it weren't for your continued insults and displays of a superiority complex on the first couple pages. Nor did I tell you to shut up, I simply agreed with your comment that "I'm not going to sit here and argue with someone who doesn't have the deck about the merits of Pack Rat" if that was going to be your attitude.
January 29, 2014 5:09 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #47
I'm sorry but how exactly am I supposed to interpret "I guess it's for the best that you stay quiet if you're not going to take part in an evolving discussion."? Sounds like a thinly veiled "shut up" to me.
Also, if we were to boil the text down to your basic point you have, in essence, said nothing but "Nuh uh! I'm right!" in every post on this thread in response to nearly everyone. I will be unsubbing this thread because I don't wish to argue with you further, next time you ask a question like "Who else thinks that Pack Rat is overrated?" try listening to the people that reply instead of rejecting their reality and substituting your own.
Have a good day.
January 29, 2014 5:17 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #48
That's funny, I guess you missed all the paragraphs I apparently wasted talking about how it's too card-intensive as a late-game threat, too slow to keep up early on, as well as matchup-specific observations. Ironically, it was your arguments that essentially provided no analysis besides pointing out the obvious fact that many Pro lists do use it backed by a I'm-smarter-than-you tone. Good riddance.
January 29, 2014 5:28 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #49
@gufymike: Agreed, I hope we can all agree that against aggro, a t2 Rat is often the right play, and even against decks with heavy removal, a t2 Rat can be the right play since it could bait removal that would otherwise be used on Desecration Demon etc. It is interesting that you use it in a deck with no Gray Merchant of Asphodel since I always assumed that one of the main reasons MBD uses it is because the tokens add to the Devotion cause. Do you have Erebos, God of the Dead in your build?
January 29, 2014 5:36 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #50
" Agreed, I hope we can all agree that against aggro, a t2 Rat is often the right play"
Why would we agree to that.... On t2 it's just a 1/1. t3 just a 2/2. Pretty horrible play against an aggro deck. That's swinging in with 2/2's, 3/3's then 4/4's till your dead.
RussischerZar says... #2
The thing is that usually it's not only Pack Rat - Pack Rat - Pack Rat , but rather Thoughtseize into Pack Rat , Underworld Connections , Hero's Downfall , Devour Flesh , THEN make more rats and win because your opponent can't handle the card and board advantage.
January 29, 2014 6:10 a.m.