Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2014, 7:23 p.m. by megapenthes
Why did wizards let Kruin Striker leave standard?
thjeyre idiots
I honestly don't see it as a good card. A simple Yoked Ox stops it dead in its tracks early game. It has no evasion, a really "meh" ability because it only triggers off of your creatures entering the battlefield, and they just need to deal 1 direct damage to it and your "powerhouse" is gone.
No as to why they didn't keep it in standard: Because they didn't feel it fit Theros. They don't need to keep every single card in standard. Occasionally you'll see a rare or uncommon be reprinted to stay in Standard through the core sets, but very rarely a common.
Jay says... #2
What are you even saying
January 18, 2014 7:27 p.m.